Mammary Cancer in my 5 year old frenchie


New member
Aug 7, 2018
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Hi everyone,
I'm new here looking for help and information on how to treat my baby's mammary cancer. I just received results from a needle aspiration test and it came back as malignant. The lump is about the size of a pea and I discovered it last week below her left lowest nipple. I brought her straight to the specialist today to go over options and discuss surgery. I'm nervous cutting in to her and making the wrong decision to do surgery to remove the lump (plus two nipples) and still find out the cancer is not treatable. But I'm also nervous in watching it and hope it does not grow to possibly only make things worse.

Right now she's spunky and energetic as always and has no symptoms or pain. The surgeon seems to think the surgery would be "simple" and not even a half hour long. But really cannot diagnose what kind of carcinoma she has until it's removed. He suspects ductal carcinoma. She has a congenital heart defect and had balloon valvuplasty about 3-4 years ago to enlarge the artery. She is also spayed, although I waited because I didn't want to put her through yet another surgery. I spayed her around 3 years old. She's about 5.5 years now. So I'm hesitant in putting my poor girl through yet another surgery.

Does anyone have experience with mammary cancer or can offer some advice on how I should proceed? I am thinking do preliminary work first (ultrasound, blood work, echocardiogram) and not jump straight to surgery. This way I can at least know how her body is functioning overall while I decide what to do about surgery. I've also read needle aspiration isn't always accurate? Should I get a second opinion?

I'd love some advice. There is so much information out there and can be conflicting as well which is making me overwhelmed. I want to do what's best for her.

Thanks in advance.
Welcome and sorry to hear about your baby. I have no experience with this but my 5 year old has recently gone through 3 surgeries in just under a year and I know bloodwork is always done beforehand to make sure everything is as it should be. If you are uncomfortable at all, I would suggest getting a second opinion.

Good luck and keep us posted!
Very sorry to hear about Chloe's diagnosis. I would suggest joining a message board for pets with various types of cancer. You may even find someone who is battling the same thing you guys are dealing with. When my cat was diagnosed I joined the Tripawds (he needed an amputation and thus, became a three-legger) site. I cannot even tell you the amount of relevant information I was given, the great advice, and just plain ol' good vibes sent our way. My cat survived over two years after his surgery and I still occasionally chime in on the message board in an effort to help someone else going through something similar.

Go with your gut, and please post an update if and when you feel up to it.

Good luck
I have n experience and am sending you lots of positive thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted and I pray it is treatable.
[MENTION=4]davidh[/MENTION] any insight?

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I'm so sorry; I worry about this with Bambi all of the time as she is a retired breeder. Good luck and healing thoughts.
I would have it removed. Please keep us updated.
So sorry to hear this. I have no experience with this. Please keep us posted on her progress.