Pulling/lunging and leash aggression- HELP


New member
Oct 22, 2019
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My Frenchie, Cooper, is about 2, I am third (maybe even 4th) home. I try to take him on walks and he pulls on his leash so hard he pulls the pads off his paws to where his feet are bleeding. He now has begun lunging and growl/barking at people to the point his hair stands up on his neck and back. This have never been issues before but now they have come up. We have done private training. And I am considering doing another training session to hopefully correct some of these things. Positive reinforcement has not been working. HELP!


Head Pooper Scooper
Apr 6, 2013
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They can be stubborn little buggers. If you haven't tried this then hopefully it will work. When he pulls, say STOP!!! and make him stop and sit. Be persistent and do it every time. When you say stop, give the leash a good quick snap back and make him stop and sit, even if you have to stop him with your hands and sit him down. Make him sit there a minute and praise him and give a treat. Then start again, and do it over and over again until he finally gets the picture. When he growls at people, do the same thing. Quick snap of the least while saying STOP or NO!! and make him sit and look you in the eye. Hope this helps.


Staff member
Apr 6, 2013
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I would also be sure YOU are calm and not tense. If you are on edge or nervous he is feeding off it. David gave great advice..

This is not a quick fix and will take awhile to get corrected. Short walks to reinforce the good, because once he is ‘in the zone’ he is not hearing anything or responding to commands

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Baer Rios

New member
Jul 17, 2018
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Hi boy is also a puller, very strong. The harness encouraged it more. I recently switched to a martingale collar, the one with the chain piece. Man, what a change, even on the first time. Try it out and YouTube on how to properly Fit it and on how to use it. This is just the second week and he is walking way better. You have to make sure you are correcting any unwanted behaviors and be firm and consistent. It takes time the first thing I did was showed him what I want with the quick tug . I walked him indoors first with treats on this step. When your outside you can let him win when u give a command, and also set him up for success. Anticipate a tug and correct him. Also try to avoid people when you see him at a distance to prevent the aggression. Take boiled chick breast and only give to him at those crucial moments and antict his reaction and prevent with the high reward treats. Only give in those bad behavior moments. It had worked big time for me