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Leash training techniques?????


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Jun 13, 2014
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I need help with little Olive, now 5 months old.
She has no trouble on a leash if she thinks it's for a walk out into the yard for potty time.
However, trying to get her to go ANYWHERE else on the leash is impossible. She slams on the brakes and refuses to walk anywhere.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I would say to just keep trying and maybe have some treats on hand so she sees it's a positive thing. When Jax was younger he was the same exact way. I would try to take him for a walk and I was lucky if I got a couple houses down, he hated it and wouldn't move. I just kept taking him out and one day he decided he liked it and now I can never get him to want to go home from a walk cause the brakes go on as soon as he realizes we are heading home.
What about "reverse" walk...like carry her outside a small distance and try to walk her towards home + carry a tasty smelling treat with you. So that she gets used to the surroundings outside the yard.
Once that goes well, then try to walk away from home a short distance and then back. baby steps :)

Apologies if this sounds stupid, I'm just trying to think of something out of my head that might work...so no science behind this reasoning :)

Maybe [MENTION=894]blushy[/MENTION] can jump in for some advise based more on experience :)
She's a Frenchie, and as we know, has quite her own little personality and mind-set..... she may never like to walk, kind of like Molly and Bitty..... must be a girl thing! The boys love to walk!! Oh, she's so cute, you can just carry her around the block, haha. ;)
The cousins will be over this weekend to destroy your house...... :D
She's a Frenchie, and as we know, has quite her own little personality and mind-set..... she may never like to walk, kind of like Molly and Bitty..... must be a girl thing! The boys love to walk!! Oh, she's so cute, you can just carry her around the block, haha. ;)
The cousins will be over this weekend to destroy your house...... :D

Looking forward to the visit.


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Positive reinforcement, whether it be her favorite treat or toy. It needs to be fun and exciting for her. Lots of encouragement or perhaps and little bit of a carry to get things started.
I feel your pain with Olive. She's adorable, by the way. Our five-month-old boy Junior has a good set of brakes and he uses them, too. We've had quite a few successful walks. His "conditions" are that it must be sunny. There must be no wind. No rain. Nothing before 2 pm in the afternoon. Must be a harness, no collars. And the temperature must be above 60 degrees. Below that, he sits there and shivers. So I'm not really sure how he's going to fare during his first Edmonton winter! It helps if we take our other dog with us -- as he follows her.

We took a puppy class that teaches positive reinforcement. I can now bait him with treats to get him around the block, but he walks just far enough to get the treat and the the brakes go on again. He is so stubborn that my (human) children now tease me: "Are you two going out for a 'stand'?" Hardeeharhar. We've now given up on the treats and we just try to walk him twice a day. We're at about 50% success, depending on the above conditions. Sometimes he walks to our car and stands there, waiting to be let in. Won't go anywhere else.

We know he has energy, as he'll be tearing around the house and really playing hard with our pug Lola. But put on the leash, step outside, and you get the Frenchie statue routine. I'm hoping he (and Olive) snap out of it at some point. I'm optimistic, given other people's experience with this. When he does decide to walk, he really enjoys himself. I love the Frenchie personality!

Neither of mine have issues, I leashed them go to potty since I got them, and would run up and down the driveway with them on the leash just a couple times back and forth every time we went potty. Not sure if that helped but I've never had an issue with them putting on the breaks unless Titan doesn't want to walk through water, then he throws a fit and waddles like I'm throwing him into a swamp haha.

I think just little by little walk her around the yard and work on pos reinforcement like was mentioned above. I know it's hard with a deaf pup! But hopefully she'll get it!

Have you tried taking her to a pet store and letting her walk there? I know mine get SO excited they almost explode, so going somewhere fun may just kick her into gear haha.
What kind of leash are you using? collar, harness or P-leash?

I recommend P-leash for training. I am not a dog trainer, I watch the video in youtube and articles. P-leash is easy to give signals to the dog about what you want to do. It give it the feeling of hurt but do not worry about it will get hurt i you use it in a proper way. Frenchie has loose skin and the chok does not cause much harm to them.
Here is Banksy being stubborn and refusing to move. YOU'RE NOT ALONE WITH THIS ISSUE!!! He used to do this when he was a baby all the time, and even now as he is getting older he still is stubborn sometimes on walks. I just get down low to the ground and make him come to me. Seems to help. Or jog a little and try and make it sound real exciting.

The reverse walk idea sounds like it might work. They always seem to be down with walking home just sometimes not away from it!

Ohhhh our frenchies they sure can be stubborn!
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