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Pink body *picture inside*


New member
May 28, 2014
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Hi guys! just wanted to see if this is something i should be worried about.

chowder is adjusting real fast to our home, during night time when he's super excited or tired he gets pink.

i understand that white dogs (he is mostly white except his mask) can look pink.

just wanted to see if you guys think nything is abnormal. thank you! IMG_7940.webpIMG_7961.webpIMG_7965.webp

btw he doesnt scratch much , or does anythign thats out of ordinary.
I'd assume its blushing. My chest gets red when I get nervous or excited. I blame it on my half Irish heritage. Maybe Chowder's irish too? Lol... All jokes aside, i'm no expert -- but i'd assume it's nothing to worry about. Hopefully someone has a more scientific answer for you.
My friend had a frenchie and posted to Twitter that when his muzzle gets pink it's time for a nap! So I think it's OK. She's from a family of dog experts? Good luck. Chowder is adorable!
thank you guys. yeah i figure most times he's gets red is when he's tired or running all around our apartment.

Just got a call from our vet though that chowder showed giardia in his stool sample. So hes gonna be on meds with his food. poor thing.
Giardia is found in lots of puppies. We had that with Ollie. It was a b*tch to get rid of......stick to the meds!
Hi guys! just wanted to see if this is something i should be worried about.

chowder is adjusting real fast to our home, during night time when he's super excited or tired he gets pink.

i understand that white dogs (he is mostly white except his mask) can look pink.

just wanted to see if you guys think nything is abnormal. thank you! View attachment 3517View attachment 3518View attachment 3519

btw he doesnt scratch much , or does anythign thats out of ordinary.

I'll look for some good PIC of my brindle pied. Looks like allergies to me. My dogs are environmental and he's all broken out right now because of the grasses being in full bloom. We see a dermatologist and give allergy injections and eat Benedryl .When my dog was a pup he looked like yours, he looked exactly the same.
Oh that face...so adorable! Jax had giardia as well when I got him. He was on meds for a week and it was gone. He got it one other time too and it cleared up after one round of meds as well. I have heard sometimes it can take awhile to get rid of though.
What a little cutie, and yes the turning pink or lite red is normal when they are playing or getting hot.
Oh that face...so adorable! Jax had giardia as well when I got him. He was on meds for a week and it was gone. He got it one other time too and it cleared up after one round of meds as well. I have heard sometimes it can take awhile to get rid of though.

thats comforting. We go to his vet today to pick up his medication. thank you
I'll look for some good PIC of my brindle pied. Looks like allergies to me. My dogs are environmental and he's all broken out right now because of the grasses being in full bloom. We see a dermatologist and give allergy injections and eat Benedryl .When my dog was a pup he looked like yours, he looked exactly the same.

hopefully that isnt the case :( hes okay during the afternoons but will def flare up at night aorund 10pm-11pm near his bed time. there seems to be no itching except when he gets bugged out by his collar. We'll keep a close eye on him.