First time puppy parents... hello!


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Apr 5, 2017
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Hi Everyone!

My husband and I will become first time puppy parents when our little pup is born on April 14 of next week (Good Friday!), and after she is ready to come home from the breeder. I have always had cats, however my husband did have dogs growing up, and he comes from a family of dog lovers. I was absolutely charmed after meeting pups from his family, and we've finally decided to welcome a new family member - a French Bulldog (obviously)! We are hoping for a little girl, and have a few names selected - Brie, Lilly, or Olive. We are so excited to meet her! (I feel like a crazy dog parent already.)

I have been researching until my fingers fall off to ensure that I get it all right, and have lists and plans about everything and I still feel like I have more to learn. We are both nervous and excited. My recent struggle has been deciding on a food. We are in Canada so food options appear to be a bit more limited. I can't find Fromm's anywhere and it seems like that's top pick in many cases. I think I've settled on Taste of the Wild Puppy to start, supplemented by fish oil, yogurt and veggies.

So here's my question for you... what did you wish you knew before becoming a French Bulldog parent? What surprised you along the way?

Welcome and congratulations on becoming new frenchie owners. You will love this breed.
To answer your question, my husband and I had always had English Bull Terriers. When we lost our male, I was distraught and it was very hard. So the breeder I had purchased my EBT's from was now breeding French Bulldogs and I was unsure if I would like the breed but wanted to "down size" a bit. I thought it would be impossible to ever have another dog that would steal a piece of my heart like my Boomer (RIP) but then along came Jake. He is perfect in my eyes and I can't believe I ever doubted this breed.
Take lots of pictures! They grow so fast.
:smileywelcome: to FBN We thought we were getting an English Bulldog, but it turned out the Frenchie stud got the job done, so our Buster is half French, half English! We got a large refund plus a delightful pup!
:welcome3: to FBN! So very excited for you!

I always had Bulldogs and Cheli is our first Frenchie... he is a bundle of clown fun and love

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Welcome and congrats on your new puppy. Can't wait to see pics of your baby. You are in the right place for help, we are here to help any way we can, just ask away any question. :)
Yayyy! I am in same boat as you but had our new puppies for 8 weeks now, we have never had dogs either so big learning experience for us. Our breeder gave us puppy chow, but they kept throwing up so I researched and found Fromm Puppy for small breed is really good. It is not in stores here either (Georgia, southeastern US) but they have on They love it, and no issues since. But if you change food you have to do it gradually. I also learned (from vet) that you have to clean inside their ears. We always had cats and didn't have to do all of this stuff (LOL) so we got ear cleaner and squirt in their ears every time we bathe them (every other week) vet said once a week, but I read do it when you give bath. I also learned when they get into cat food they will throw up, so had to put that away.. and we wish we had a fenced yard before we got puppies, but we are getting one now! they have to go out a lot for potty training and it is a lot to get their leashes on and walk them around yard every 2-3 hours. they also put EVERYTHING in mouth when outside, so be careful they don't eat wrong thing. They like Leaves, weird pollen things from trees, they will eat leaves off trees and bushes, pine cones, mulch, I could go on. It is a full time job to take things out of their mouths LOL. Other than that they are such a joy and funny! We have brother and sister and they are so different from each other. The girl is BAD but not shy and loves everyone, the boy is very shy and will discipline his sister when she is being bad, by barking at her, or even grabbing her leg to pull her away. It is really funny! I am new on here too so I will be trying to find some answers too, I have a lot! getting to that when do I get them fixed stage of life now. Nervous! good luck, it is a lot of work but will be worth it..
Hi there! Thanks for your reply! The breeder has them on Royal Canin puppy but I have found a food I am comfortable switching to (Taste of the Wild Mountain Puppy), and will supplement with yogurt and coconut oil. I agonized forever but based on local supply that is our best option.

We don't have a fenced yard - I hope it goes okay for us. Unfortunately we have a very funny shaped lot so it's difficult to fence, but I've drawn up some plans to try to fence a triangle of it (like I said, funny shape lol). She will be accompanying my husband to work so she'll be used having her harness and leash on to go outside for potty.

Your pups sound like an absolute joy (and lots of work)! ;)

Thought I'd update with a photo we just got from the breeder. Our little girl was born on Monday, 1 week early. Here she is:


Introducing Lilly!
Hi there! Thanks for your reply! The breeder has them on Royal Canin puppy but I have found a food I am comfortable switching to (Taste of the Wild Mountain Puppy), and will supplement with yogurt and coconut oil. I agonized forever but based on local supply that is our best option.

We don't have a fenced yard - I hope it goes okay for us. Unfortunately we have a very funny shaped lot so it's difficult to fence, but I've drawn up some plans to try to fence a triangle of it (like I said, funny shape lol). She will be accompanying my husband to work so she'll be used having her harness and leash on to go outside for potty.

Your pups sound like an absolute joy (and lots of work)! ;)

Thought I'd update with a photo we just got from the breeder. Our little girl was born on Monday, 1 week early. Here she is:

View attachment 10130

Introducing Lilly!

She is beautiful! I bet you can't wait to love and snuggle her :loveeyes:
[MENTION=600]Jakeyjake[/MENTION], wonderful story. :cry:
[MENTION=2466]lalipupper[/MENTION], you will be so happy with your new frenchie. Make sure to teach him/her about crate training and manner; you will be happy you did. Not that that are worse than any other puppy, but a well behaved dog is a joy, especially when meeting strangers or when you have company over. Pics please!
Welcome from a fellow Canadian! She's gorgeous!!

I actually find we have a lot of good choices for food here in Canada. I feed Acana to my pups and they both do really well on it. It's made from the same company that makes Orijen in Alberta and uses fresh protein only.

Wally is not a laid back Frenchie but it could be because he grew up with a Boston Terrier. I wish I was more patient and I do try but he can be a handful at times. A total loveable lump though so he's worth it. You're going to have so much fun!
Welcome from a fellow Canadian! She's gorgeous!!

I actually find we have a lot of good choices for food here in Canada. I feed Acana to my pups and they both do really well on it. It's made from the same company that makes Orijen in Alberta and uses fresh protein only.

Wally is not a laid back Frenchie but it could be because he grew up with a Boston Terrier. I wish I was more patient and I do try but he can be a handful at times. A total loveable lump though so he's worth it. You're going to have so much fun!

Thanks for the welcome! We ended up visiting a Ruffins Pet Centre that just opened (yay!) and have settled on Acana Small Breed Puppy to start.

We are so excited! Going up to visit her very soon.