How can I improve and make it perfect?


New member
Apr 2, 2018
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I have been training my puppy Frenchie for the past 2 months (he's 5 month-old now). We are doing quite well but there are some problems (my problems of course, ha ha) which need resolving for us to improve. I'd be more than happy for your help:

1. My dog can focus during the session and in everyday life better and better, but very often after he gets a snack when he's finished with the task he keeps sniffing the floor, he "checks" if there is something left - I then say "look" out loud (thats the way we train attention) and he ignores me. How can I change it? In different situation it works; so much that the last time he was playing and I said "look" he stood up and kept looking in my eyes.

2. How can I make the dog executing the order faster? Does it depend solely on his motivation and engagement put into the training session?

3. When the dog does something wrong or confuse the command I say out loud sth like "fee" and when he's on the good way I say "yes, superb, bravo" etc. I think it confuses and distracts him. Is it possible? For example: I say "go to your place", he goes into that direction, I say "yes, yes" and suddenly he stops and looks at me like he doesn't know what's going on. When I say "feee" to show him that's he's wrong for example nothing changes like he doesn't know what I want.

4.Can you tell me if this is good: first I say "look' to catch his attention and then I tell him what to do so for example : "look" + "sit". I've read that one should only say either name + command or only command itself. Which one is correct?

Thanks a milion!
1. It is based on his food drive... if he sees a second treat in your hand he’ll stay focused.. no treat no focus.
2.... i think i answered in 1.
3. Too many words... just use the command unless he is not focused, then use look.

Lastly... remember he is a bulldog.. they are not meant to please or work so the majority are not overly motivated

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1. It is based on his food drive... if he sees a second treat in your hand he’ll stay focused.. no treat no focus.
2.... i think i answered in 1.
3. Too many words... just use the command unless he is not focused, then use look.

Lastly... remember he is a bulldog.. they are not meant to please or work so the majority are not overly motivated

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Great advice!
Thanks for your reply.

Do you think that I can improve his attention during sessions without the second treat? I mean won't he only be willing to stay attentive with a treat in my hand? What about general focus later, during walking etc?

Another problem that I have difficulties with is the fact that he walks in general very well on a leash but he keeps stopping every few meters. I don't know to pull or drag him so I say "come" and try to encourage him with a treat but he would only move to the treat and then stop again.