Puppy Eating Poo


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Dec 14, 2017
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Sigh - I'm that new dog owner with the puppy that eats poo. We know that it isn't harmful for the dog, but it sure is gross. She's on Victor dog food (https://victorpetfood.com/) and has been since she transitioned from milk, and it seems to be a really good food, so I don't think it's a nutrient issue. We've tried just about everything that doesn't include yelling or punishment because we know all dogs are sensitive, intelligent creatures, but we're kinda at a loss. Today I sprinkled Cayenne pepper on it and that just made it even tastier to her!

Has anyone has any luck with adding something to the food, like an enzyme or pineapple? I hesitate because she's so young (9 weeks) and so far hasn't had much exposure to anything other than her food and training treats.

Help please! :pray:
it doesnā€™t seem to matter the location. Iā€™ve shooed her away from both inside and out. :facepalm:
I was trying to get an idea of how you are potty training. Crate? Pads? To see if she was only cleaning up accidents, if it's only her own poop, etc. I need more info to give advice.
Itā€™s only her own and fresh at that. Itā€™s usually poo, turn around and eat. Weā€™ve been trying to catch her and offer her a treat instead which does work when we can get to her in time.

Sheā€™s being crate trained at night with outside potty breaks every three hours and hasnā€™t had an accident in there that Iā€™m aware of. We arenā€™t using pads because we read it confuses them more than helps them so sheā€™s getting really good about sitting at the back door when she needs to go out, though occasionally she forgets, lol. Sheā€™s only 10 weeks after all.

You know... is it possible sheā€™s hungry? She seems to get distracted during meal times and we pick up the bowls to prevent grazing and set a schedule for her but she may not be eating enough. Iā€™ll try putting her bowl in a less distracting place and see if she improves... but Iā€™m open to other help!! Thank you!
Glad that she is keeping her crate clean. At this point, I would just only have her out of her crate, or very confined area, when you can keep an eagle eye on her. Gus was never able to finish a poop inside without us scooping him up and bringing him outside - definitely not enough time to start snacking. lol Great that she's already "asking" to go out. Gus was defiantly not really asking at 10 weeks, so was on a tight schedule.

As far as outside goes, I would just clean up her mess as soon as she finishes. Distract her with a treat, the moment she finishes and then clean up. Way easier, imo, than trying pepper or pineapple juice, or whatever.

I think she'll get the message quickly, if you have something else tastier immediately available. Best of luck.
Many thanks! Iā€™ll keep after her and try picking it up right after. :)
We had a similar problem and we also in the process of potty training. He actually got Giardia from poo eating ( He was rescue that came to us with it). So please be careful. We used the treat system while going potty. So instead of going for the poo, he started looking for his treat. We also used a few drops of molasses in his food (vet recommended) I guess it deters or makes their poo stink so they don't want it. Between that and the treats, we are now almost 2 months with no poo eating. Yay! The vet told us most puppies learn it from their mother and it was really common, not that it made it any less gross lol. Wishing you luck!
Many thanks! Iā€™ll keep after her and try picking it up right after. :)

How much and how often are you feeding? What is the consistency of the poo... soft, formed?
SO we've been picking it up right after and she still runs to the spot where it was so I think we've concluded she's trying to clean. I wonder if she'll ever "forget" she used to eat it. We're feeding 3x's a day about a 1/2 cup and picking up the bowls once she's done. Stools are well formed but a little tough to pass...though it could be all the leaves shes eating, lol.
SO we've been picking it up right after and she still runs to the spot where it was so I think we've concluded she's trying to clean. I wonder if she'll ever "forget" she used to eat it. We're feeding 3x's a day about a 1/2 cup and picking up the bowls once she's done. Stools are well formed but a little tough to pass...though it could be all the leaves shes eating, lol.

Haha! You can try to add a little pumpkin to make the stools easier to pass or add water (or maybe bone broth) to her food dish, if you think she isn't drinking enough. My last dog was a poop eater when she was a pup. Only did it inside when she had accidents. Totally grew out of it, but so gross.
Great suggestions thank you! We will try that and keep our fingers crossed for ā€œgrowing out of itā€. Picking it up immediately is hard to do in the winter .. for everyone involved lol. But we stay vigilant bc we want so badly for her to forget it in her later years and be a trusty potty pup! We also start puppy class tomorrow so maybe that will help too !
Update! Minnie has outgrown eating poo! Sheā€™s now 6 months and hasnā€™t done it in probably 2 solid months. She only eats it if itā€™s in the house bc I think sheā€™s trying to ā€œcleanā€. Sheā€™s also about 98% potty trained! Only has accidents once in a blue moon and always at the door where she goes out. Hooray!
Update! Minnie has outgrown eating poo! Sheā€™s now 6 months and hasnā€™t done it in probably 2 solid months. She only eats it if itā€™s in the house bc I think sheā€™s trying to ā€œcleanā€. Sheā€™s also about 98% potty trained! Only has accidents once in a blue moon and always at the door where she goes out. Hooray!

Update! Minnie has outgrown eating poo! Sheā€™s now 6 months and hasnā€™t done it in probably 2 solid months. She only eats it if itā€™s in the house bc I think sheā€™s trying to ā€œcleanā€. Sheā€™s also about 98% potty trained! Only has accidents once in a blue moon and always at the door where she goes out. Hooray!

I've used this remedy w/ past Frenchies. Put canned pineapple in her food. She'll love it going down. But, it has a taste that they won't enjoy a 2nd time around.
The other option is: There is something missing from her diet that she's looking for in her poo. Perhaps, simply changing the food will help with the dietary need.

Hope that helps you.