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1 yr old and not potty trained?


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Jul 17, 2015
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I am new here and I would really appreciate some advice on how to potty train my frenchie. I feel like I don't know if she will ever be potty trained. I read stories with dogs potty trained from 6 months....She is 11 months a and 1/2 , I have her since she was 2.5 months old.
Up until 5 months old she was in a enclosed area (a very big fenced space I created in the living room for her) with pads because she would just pee everywhere and destroy everything.

For the last 6 months I have been taking her out 4 times a day but she would pee/poop inside at least once every 2 days or sometimes even 3 times/day. This doesn't happen around her time to go outside, but randomly. She mostly pees when I am alone with her and our other dog (a german shephard mix), but not with my boyfriend (she respects him more I guess).

She always goes outside when I take her, but inside she goes in her bed (she has several beds), on the other dog's bed, on the couch, on the floor, everywhere.
She needs constant supervision when I am alone with her, but not with my boyfriend. Also, when I scold her for going inside she gets aggressive and snaps at me.

She didn't have her period yet. (visibly)

Any advice? Please help
My advise would be to try positive reinforcement, it worked well with Moses. Take her out frequently, as often as you can. Then wait when she goes potty and always praise her, give treats and make it feel like a party. Play with her outside for a while before and after potty, so she learns that potty outside is FUN!
If accident happens indoors, just stay neutral, clean up and take her outside.
Has she been to the vet? A urinary tract infection or some other medical reason needs to be ruled out first. Spinal malformations, common in Frenchies, can cause incontinence or poor control over bladder and/or bowels.

You will need to clean up areas of her accidents very well, using an odor neutralizer. She needs to be treated like a little puppy still. Frequent trips outside (like you're already doing), and then she either needs to be crated or kept in a small area; or if left out, she should be tethered to you with a leash. Where you are, she is. Lots of praise when she pees where she should. If you don't catch her in the act, you should not scold her. And what method of scolding are you doing?

Look up dog training called Nothing in Life is Free (NiLF). It will help cement your role as the alpha.
Thank you Chiana for your reply. I can't be very consistent with the number of times she goes outside, I am not always home and sometimes my boyfriend is out. So I try to be as consistent as possible. Now we have tried removing one exit (the one at 13:30), as I thought maybe it's too much 4 times a day and she'll never learn to hold it. So now she goes at 9:00, at 18:30 and at 22:30.

Oddly enough, most accidents we find in the morning, not during the day. Don't know why. She as water all day long.

I tried positive reinforcement outside, she doesn't really care, she just goes and is interested in other things not me. But I can try with something tastier, like bacon, lol:)

So I should not get upset with her when she has as an accident indoors? She knows she did something bad, she just comes to me with big puppy eyes and all:)
Have you tried to take away her water for the night? right after she drinks after her last evening walk?

There is also good advise raise by [MENTION=1072]Fosta Mama[/MENTION]
[MENTION=1072]Fosta Mama[/MENTION]. Thank you for your answer. Much appreciated.

Yes, she was to the vet and all was good (blood analysis - no infection).

If I leave her in the kitchen let's say, she will just go in her bed or near it. I think this has something to do with the fact that I kept her in a fenced area when she was a baby when I was at work and she got used to peeing on pads, on her toys and her bed...

When i scold her I just lift my index finger and use a ferm tone like - "NO", "It's not allowed", or I ask her "Who did this?"? If I insist, more than 10 sec, she would bark at me and snap, although at first she appears submissive.

I will try having her always tied to me, thank you.
Another question, do you have other dogs (or cats)? Do you think she is marking her belongings, such as her bed and toys?
[MENTION=1072]Fosta Mama[/MENTION]

Yes, there is another dog in the house : a 5 yr old german shepherd mix - castrated. He is very good indoors, very chill (Sera is always pushing his buttons and jumps on him, barks at him and he is not responding at all to her) but outside he is very aggressive with dogs (he always protects her from humans too, nobody can touch her) . We are working on improving his behavior with dogs, but it's going slow.

And I have my 8 yrs old neutered cat. Sera (the FB) is constantly trying to chase the cat and I always have to protect the kitty. The cat is not very scared of her, but it will run run from the frenchie. However, the other dog is very good with the cat, the get along very well together.
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