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A little help please


New member
Nov 22, 2013
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Does anyone know what this is? Just got home from work and noticed this bump on my pups neck. It looked bloody like he had been scratching it before I wiped it down. The bump is about the size of a penny, but it doesn't appear to bother him.... My pup doesn't do well at the vet so I'm very worried.

This looks like a hot spot, if you can shave the fur in the area to help dry it out. Is it moist?

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It was moist yesterday, but it's dry this morning. I scheduled an appointment with my vet for this afternoon just to make sure.... Last two times I took him to vet, he wouldn't stand still for the vet and even jumped off the table. Wish me luck!
It was moist yesterday, but it's dry this morning. I scheduled an appointment with my vet for this afternoon just to make sure.... Last two times I took him to vet, he wouldn't stand still for the vet and even jumped off the table. Wish me luck!

Wondering ... could it be an ingrown hair? Is it almost like a pimple
Wondering ... could it be an ingrown hair? Is it almost like a pimple

Not sure if it's an ingrown hair, but yeah it kind of does look like a pimple. We noticed he had a small bump like a month or two ago, but didn't think much of it. It has gotten larger over the last 2-3 days....
Not sure if it's an ingrown hair, but yeah it kind of does look like a pimple. We noticed he had a small bump like a month or two ago, but didn't think much of it. It has gotten larger over the last 2-3 days....

let us know how it goes, be interested in knowing.. good luck... bring lots of treats to try and keep him distracted