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After Spay Care


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Aug 10, 2020
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Hi. My frenchie is going to be spayed on Wednesday. Do you suggest the standard cone or did you use a donut? I am wondering what will work best for her, so she is still able to eat, etc.
You can remove the cone for eating-It’s just there to make sure she doesn’t start licking her stitches. I found the cone entirely unnecessary after the first 3ish days as my girl couldn’t even reach if she tried.

The crucial part of healing for your baby girl is no running and no jumping whatsoever for 10 days. I kept Maple in a puppy apartment - a small cozy sleeping crate within a larger gated area - when I couldn’t monitor her or my other dog got too rowdy so she could potty and chew something if she desired. And she slept most of the time and healed up quickly. Seemed mostly fine after 5 days but you want to be sure the stitches are fully closed up before normal activity resumes.

Good luck with yours, it certainly beats diapers every 6 months!
We have had plenty of Frenchies that have been spayed and also had C-section surgery, and we have never put them in a cone of shame, nor has our vet ever suggested it. We have a great Bulldog and Frenchie vet also. We have never had problems with them not wearing one. So I would suggest not putting her through that.
Stella never wore a cone either after spay surgery.
Charlie never wore her cone except when leaving the vet. Instead, put a onesie on so the other dog wouldn't try to lick it when we got home.

First 24 hrs, she didn't move much. Didn't eat anything. Drank a little bit of water.

24-48 hrs, she started to eat and move around more. Wouldn't jump up onto the couch, which is what we wanted.

On the 3rd day, she started to be more active and it was harder to stop her from running too much.

After 7 days, her stitches still looked fine, so we let her do her normal thing. Removed her onesie. Would inspect the wound in the morning, sometime in the day, and finally before bed just in case.