Aggressive Play


New member
Jun 1, 2015
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Our 11 week Frenchie, Frank has been great since we got him. He is crate training well (upto 8 hours at night and 4 hour stints during the day), he is learning his doggie commands, he is receptive to a clicker and we have started walking him on his leash in controlled areas. He has not been allowed to run around the house, we keep him in his crate, in his pen for controlled play, lead him round the house then he gets some nice sofa time with us before he goes to bed for the night.

His only real problem has been he tends to get aggressive at times during play. You wouldn't believe if looking at that face, i know!

Now when i say aggressive, it is what we humans may see as aggressive, but it is probably just play. But its the kind of behaviour that would be very concerning and dangerous in a fully grown Frenchie, so i am very keen to try and address it now before it gets more difficult. That is, if its just not normal!

He tends to lunge towards us and bites if we have a treat in our hands, or jumps up and bites our trousers if we are standing. Its not always if we have treats too, he will go for any toy or a clicker that we may be holding. Its almost like he is pent up and just need to release - i can feel his heart pumping.

We have been very careful not to encourage this - we don't play any dominance games with him and always stay very calm with him and use positive reinforcement.

Dont get me wrong, its not all the time. He has been very good when it comes to learning his dog commands (sit, down, roll over etc) but i often find that he can play for maybe 5 mins before he starts to move to the more aggressive side.

I have tried just walking away, but he then will take it out in his toys. I dont want to lock him in his crate as i worry that he will then associate his crate with punishment.
Picking him up and holding him on the kitchen table for 2 mins to cool down seems to work, but i dont want to have to do this every time, especially when he is older.

Im concerned that it may be him trying to show his dominance over me (he could be an alpha dog). I have been told that pinning them down, like their mothers would, can help, but im not sure if this is old school thinking and i wouldn't want to provoke him further.

Thanks All
It sounds to me like he has a lot of energy and just wants to play. Do you have a backyard you can take him into so he can run around? I know with Jax, if he is "cooped" up for too long he goes crazy. Is there a reason you don't let him run around the house and play?
Frecnhie's have a lot of energy, especially an 11 wk old puppy. He needs to run and release that --- most do what we all call zoomies or my favorite, spaz-attack... they just need to run at full speed for about 2 mins.
What you are describing seems to me to be normal puppy shark teeth play --- redirect him to a toy, allow him to get the energy out in a controlled (not over controlled) manner. Use a water bottle and spray him in the body with a firm NO when he jumps or lunges. Bulldogs in general play very rough and they tend to not know they are being that way

Try using this training tool ... if he is an alpha dog, this will help him know he is not and you control the hosue ---
I agree. I think he's got a ton of energy that he needs to burn off. I would let him run around the house, or a backyard if you have one. I would also crate him when he's gone too far but put a chewable toy in his crate with him so he doesn't think that it's punishment. I don't think picking him up is a good idea, he should calm down on his own.
I agree, he is a pup and they play hard, and he has a lot of built up energy from being pinned up so much and he needs to burn off. Let him out to run around and play, and burn off that energy. Pups need to play and run around. Going on walks help, but they also need play time. They do love to bite, and chew on everything, and they will eventually learn what they can and can not chew on, it just takes time and plenty of patience.
Kevin "plays" the same way right now. Those little shark teeth can be a menace. Today for the first time she's started to bite the wooden furniture, sigh