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Bella's owners need training!


New member
Apr 6, 2015
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New to the site, need a little help with my girl.
Bella is a 4yo female that is a total joy but... a few things!
She consistently pees in her kennel on her blankets. She has done this her whole life and, I could live with it but, she also likes to drop pee bombs in the house sometimes.
This may sound paranoid but, she will nail the couch or our bed from time to time. The funny thing is, she has only been caught 2-3 times in 4 years. She is very stealth and seems to do it when mad??
The other issue I have with her is, she will not come when called. She hears just fine, just ignores.... Any ideas???
I would take her to an obedience class. Really work on that recall. That (in my opinion) is probably the most important command that know. As far as the urinating, the first thing I would do is take her to the Vet to be sure she doesn't have a medical issue. How big is her crate? If it's too big sometimes they can potty in there and be far enough away from it to be comfortable. If it's not too big, you could try taking the blankets out. I would go back to basics with her potty training. If she can't be watched, she needs to be crated until she is trained.
Some Frenchies are harder to potty train than others. Take her bedding out and see if that helps, you can get a vinyl crate pad that will provide some padding or get the cotton reusable potty pads and put in her crate. This is very hard to break if she has it in her mind to mark her bedding. Like [MENTION=179]Tgirl[/MENTION] said an obedience class will help also. As far as her peeing on your bed and on the floor, get baby gates and keep her confined to a certain area, like the living room where you are at most of the time so she can not roam around and go pee when you are not looking, this way you might be able to catch her in the act then tell her NO, then take her outside.

She is a Frenchie... that's for sure. I agree with the great advice from the others.... remove bedding and get some obedience classes in and you can also use 'nothing in life is free' to help her listen , a little, better