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Cherry Eye Issues


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Dec 9, 2016
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My wife and I left our puppy with friends who have two long haired cats and a husky, so a lot of hair.

During our trip, we got reports that her eye flared up and it was far worse than we've ever seen after seeing pics. It went away that night after recommending hot compress, and came back the next day.

Please see the attached images, does this look like an allergic reaction maybe? Our vet recommended Zyrtec and she gave us NeoPolyDex Opthalmic solution. So far after 1 night, still there. I appreciate everyone's thoughts.20170713_144245.webp
Poor baby, it does look like cherry eye, but could also be an infection of the third eye lid, only a vet can tell. More than likely brought on by allergies. Plus you can take the cone of shame off unless she is scratching at it. We have had English bulldogs with this and had surgery to correct it and never put the cone of shame on them and never had any problems.
What a cutie... the cone matches her coloring.

Agreed, it does look like cherry eye, but if you have seen the vet and they did not think it was? You can massage then 'popped' eyelid back in (you tube has some videos) .

Keep us posted on how it is going
My last dog (not a Frenchie) had cherry eye. I would definitely try to massage it back in - it's not hard to do before it gets big. We didn't know to attempt popping it back in and ended up having surgery, but were able to avoid it on the second eye because we kept massaging it back in while it was small, and after a bit it never popped out again.

Keep us posted!
My last dog (not a Frenchie) had cherry eye. I would definitely try to massage it back in - it's not hard to do before it gets big. We didn't know to attempt popping it back in and ended up having surgery, but were able to avoid it on the second eye because we kept massaging it back in while it was small, and after a bit it never popped out again.

Keep us posted!

Thank you all for the replies. We received a second vet opinion, and she gave us the recommendation to use Benedryl (instead of Zyrtec) and prescribed Rovera, which is like a canine ibruprofen apparently. We freaked out initially because it was actually bleeding a bit when she would try to rub it on our white bed sheet. Needless to say, the cone went back on! The vet says its obviously inflamed but there is no infection, and no debris in that area.

She does say this is the worst it should get and to wait it out right now. Hopefully it goes away soon and then we can try popping it back in again, but our vet did say that usually, the longer they're out, the higher chance that they would be permanent without surgery :( .
I have no experience with cherry eye (knock on wood), but the breeder to my English Bulldog told me that surgery was the best way to deal with the issue. That with massage and tacking it back, it would most likely come back.
Thank you all for the replies. We received a second vet opinion, and she gave us the recommendation to use Benedryl (instead of Zyrtec) and prescribed Rovera, which is like a canine ibruprofen apparently. We freaked out initially because it was actually bleeding a bit when she would try to rub it on our white bed sheet. Needless to say, the cone went back on! The vet says its obviously inflamed but there is no infection, and no debris in that area.

She does say this is the worst it should get and to wait it out right now. Hopefully it goes away soon and then we can try popping it back in again, but our vet did say that usually, the longer they're out, the higher chance that they would be permanent without surgery :( .

Luckily, our pup had the issue shortly before she was supposed to be neutered, so we were able to take care of the cherry eye while she was under for the spay. Good luck!
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