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Cytopoint Users...need advice!


May 12, 2018
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Daphne got her first Cytopoint injection 11 weeks ago. When I say that she seemed to be getting relief immediately, I mean it was IMMEDIATELY. Like that night, and by the next day she wasn't itching or rubbing AT ALL. We were thrilled. Fast forward to about the 8 week mark, we noticed she was becoming itchy again. When she got the injection the vet said that most dogs need an injection every 4-8 weeks. While we were happy that we seemed to be on the longer side of things, I remember reading on here that some people can go 12 weeks!

So, she's itching again at 8 weeks. Around 9 weeks we brought her back in for her next injection. That was about 2 weeks ago now and she has been itching nonstop. Rubbing along walls and the carpet, all her old moves. She is on Bravecto. I've given her baths as normal. Is it possible that Cytopoint just isn't going to work for her? I'm so bummed that she didn't get ANY relief this second time around.

Those of you that use it...
1. How LONG have you been using Cytopoint?
2. How long do you go between injections?
3. Does your dog get total relief after an injection, or is the itching just reduced?
4. Do you get the injections year round or just certain times of the year?

Thanks for helping me decide if we are going to continue down this path.

Yuki got his first Cytopoint injection in May and worked immediately. He got his second 8 weeks later but I waited too long. He was so itchy and rubbed his face so hard he got an eye infection. The third one was 6 weeks later then the fourth was 4 weeks. I have his fifth scheduled next Wednesday which will be exactly 4 weeks. After this next injection, I am hoping he won't need another until next Spring but the weather and environment here in California is not normal this year so I will just keep an eye on his scratching/rubbing to decide. The itching is significantly less but he does not get total relief. I was hoping the relief was going to be 8 - 10 weeks but Yuki is on the shorter side and seems to need it every 4 weeks. I will continue him on it as needed because for Yuki the results are better than Apoquel or OTC medications.
Just personal experience with Maple her first injection was 100% relief, I found her second (8ish weeks later) to be less effective. We are 8 weeks past her second injection and I’ve noticed her rash is back with a vengeance and her itching was certainly much less but not eliminated this time around. I’ll be booking her back in right away here.

I live in the northwest of Canada and we’ve gone through fall and basically into winter now and I’ve been wondering if the seasons changing aggravated things. I have seasonal allergies myself and mine were utterly horrific this fall so I’m assuming she experienced the same.

We are likewise on Bravecto every 3 months. And we feed raw, currently rabbit.

Hope you find relief for Daphne. Best wishes.
OK, thank you [MENTION=3631]Gka[/MENTION] and [MENTION=3787]Repose[/MENTION]!!

It sounds like Daphne is experiencing what your dogs did, so I will monitor her level of itching this round and get her in for another injection sooner than later. I too was hoping to not have to do the injections during the winter months here but am willing to keep going if it helps her comfort level even if it isn't the complete elimination that I saw with first injection. I appreciate your feedback!
Jax has been getting it for years and we can go 12 weeks or longer at this point. He still licks his paws a bit but the itching is almost non-existent. I used to have to give him baths every week and I don’t anymore. Do you give any other supplements that might potentially help?

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Hi [MENTION=188]Cbrugs[/MENTION],

Daph eats her commerical raw with goat's milk twice per day and some freeze dried raw treats throughout the day. I had her on local honey for a loooong time as well (last winter/spring/summer) every day but noticed no difference and my supplier was flaky so I stopped giving it. She gets a bath with the shampoo you recommended to me, every two weeks. I wipe her down completely every time we come in from outside with unscented wipes too.
Hi [MENTION=188]Cbrugs[/MENTION],

Daph eats her commerical raw with goat's milk twice per day and some freeze dried raw treats throughout the day. I had her on local honey for a loooong time as well (last winter/spring/summer) every day but noticed no difference and my supplier was flaky so I stopped giving it. She gets a bath with the shampoo you recommended to me, every two weeks. I wipe her down completely every time we come in from outside with unscented wipes too.

I use to give local raw honey but it does have sugar which could feed yeast so I stopped. A few months ago I started adding in salmon oil, ocean kelp and Mushroom Matrix skin and coat. Also give Green Juju’s bison bone broth a few times per month. Not sure if any of these are helping but they’re not hurting.

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Lambeau is every 8 weeks, his issues are more around folds and ears, and if we go past that mark, his ears get dirty and itchy.
we still have to wipe paws and give Claritin to cover all his allergies. Fall is worst for him as he is allergic to several trees and they are shedding so he is suffering
Maybe it is also the Fall thing that is making it seem worse this second time around. Spring is super bad here. There is actual yellow pollen dust everywhere and on every surface - it somehow even gets in the house. I think I will need to just do it year round for her and not take any breaks. I've been reading about giving bovine colostrum to aid with allergies in dogs. Anyone have experience with that?
Maybe it is also the Fall thing that is making it seem worse this second time around. Spring is super bed here. There is actual yellow pollen dust everywhere and on every surface - it somehow even gets in the house. I think I will need to just do it year round for her and not take any breaks. I've been reading about giving bovine colostrum to aid with allergies in dogs. Anyone have experience with that?

I’ve looked into that but a few people I know that tried it didn’t notice a difference. But every dog is different so I think it’s definitely worth a try!

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