

New member
Oct 6, 2024
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Hi My names Loz.
Sorry if this thread is a bit long, but need to explain Cleo’s history.
I adopted Cleo 2 weeks ago after she was seized from a breeding farm. The kennels I adopted her from allowed me to take her for a walk round the compound on my first visit, to see if she was what I wanted. She looked so sad in the kennels, I’d decided to have her Immediately. I mentioned to the kennels that she had had diarrhoea on our walk( watery) and was told not to worry lots of children have been visiting today and probably given her treats. When I collected her the following week, I was told she’d been given an injection ( morning after pill) as she had been found locked together with another Frenchie & will probably have some bleeding and diarrhoea. She didn’t have any bleeding but she did have diarrhoea. I thought it cruel to starve her on her first night in a new home, and just gave her boiled chicken. The next day her stools were fine and continued to be fine for a couple of days. Over the second week of having her, her stools became very soft and on Thursday of this week she had very loose stools, so I have only been feeding her boiled rice boiled chicken and scrambled egg. Saturday she didn’t go to the toilet at all so I thought all was well. But today(Sunday) on her walk her stools were the consistency of ice cream and they’re orangey brown in colour( no blood).
I have ordered some probiotics which come on Monday. And taking her to the vets if she hasn’t improved by Tuesday. She is lively, drinking and happy in herself.
The kennels told me she was having James Wellbeloved & Butchers tinned tripe which is what I had been feeding her.
As she had diarrhoea previously to me adopting her, I now think that this food isn’t right for her and wondered what others fed their Frenchies? TIA 💞
It can also be the stress of all the changes… “home”, rescue, kennel and now a new home. Try adding a little bit of pure canned pumpkin, like a teaspoon at each meal.