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Double Canine teeth.


New member
Sep 14, 2014
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My little Titan had a double canine, where his baby canine was shoved back as the adult canine came in. I was worried about it, and it was going to be pulled when he went under for a neuter after he was 1 year old.

Yesterday I was feeling around in his mouth (as I do to both of my frenchies cause let's face it, their faces/mouths are hilarious - and it helps for conditioning them for people looking in their mouths) and POOF it finally after about 2-3 months fell out on its own! I'm sure the little stinker ate it *gross and makes me nervous* but I'm SO relieved it's gone!
Good news! I'm constantly checking Wally's mouth to see if he has anything in his mouth that he shouldn't. He doesn't mind too much.
I know... I always wonder where those baby teeth go. :scared: I've maybe found 1 or 2 on the floor, but the rest? *Blech* I'm sure they've swallowed them.
When Jax was a puppy I was out and about and got a frantic call from my BF that he accidentally knocked one of Jax's teeth out. I figured it was a baby tooth that had fallen out while they were playing but my BF felt so bad cause he thought he had done it.
Had the same happening with my kitty. She looked like a monster because she had 4 upper canines for a while, but they eventually fell out before I had to have them removed :)
Never found any of Jake or Stella's teeth. THey probably swallowed them. SOunds like the tooth fairy needs to pay a visit to Titan!!!
Aww no tooth fairy for him. Too bad, I bet a canine would bring a pretty penny. :)
happy it dropped on it's own.... never know you might find it cleaning one day