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Sep 14, 2014
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Oh what a wonderful experience getting a 2nd puppy has been. First coccidia, now giardia.

Literally ready to rip my hair out of my head.

Got into a screaming match at my Vets. Needless to say none of my animals will ever go there again. Take your dog in to be tested for parasites and $190 and 10 days of meds later "oh your dog wasn't tested" you can imagine my fury.

I haven't slept in the bed with my husband since last Saturday night because the dog messes itself multiple times a night which honestly isn't that big of a deal except for the fact our bedroom is upstairs and everything else is downstairs so cleaning and washing the dogs sleeping area and such is not something I want to do after stumbling down the stairs every few hours during the night.

Curious to see how long your pups had this parasite, also which meds/dosage your pup was on so I can see if the vet is a lunatic (was advised by someone with 4 frenchies that they seem clueless and they also switched vets after owning frenchies).

Also wondering how you all didn't jump off a bridge. (Just kidding but gosh...)

Welcoming moral support as well. [emoji30]

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So sorry you are going through this. Jax has had giardia twice, the first time was when we first got him so he had come with it. I forgot what the medicine was called but it was a powder substance both times he had to take for 10 days. Both times it cleared up but I've heard sometimes it can take longer. Jax had diarrhea because of the parasites and I remember having to wake up a couple times during the night to take him out.
So sorry you are going through this. Jax has had giardia twice, the first time was when we first got him so he had come with it. I forgot what the medicine was called but it was a powder substance both times he had to take for 10 days. Both times it cleared up but I've heard sometimes it can take longer. Jax had diarrhea because of the parasites and I remember having to wake up a couple times during the night to take him out.

Yeah I've been reading the posts from others on here about it and just googling about it to know what to expect.

I'm just really afraid of Isabelle catching it. Or even us or Brody. That's the last thing I need is Brody to get a parasite. So ridiculous -__-

Our vet was going to prescribe an antibiotic I've never heard of that he's already on? I don't think so. I told them NO. No where online does it say that what he's on treats Giardia. Like I'm no vet but this is my animal and im just exhausted and so over this.

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Yeah I've been reading the posts from others on here about it and just googling about it to know what to expect.

I'm just really afraid of Isabelle catching it. Or even us or Brody. That's the last thing I need is Brody to get a parasite. So ridiculous -__-

Our vet was going to prescribe an antibiotic I've never heard of that he's already on? I don't think so. I told them NO. No where online does it say that what he's on treats Giardia. Like I'm no vet but this is my animal and im just exhausted and so over this.

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There is a good chance Isabelle can catch it. Make sure they are not drinking out of the bowl and she is not coming in contact with his poop. Wash his bedding, blankets, etc frequently.

For you and Brody, wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

I know how frustrating it can be but it will pass!
I don't have any experience with this but I just want to say I'm sorry you are having such a rough time :(. It'll pass and all be worth it, but for now what a bummer!! Crossing my fingers for you that you find a wonderful new vet and things turn around asap!

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There is a good chance Isabelle can catch it. Make sure they are not drinking out of the bowl and she is not coming in contact with his poop. Wash his bedding, blankets, etc frequently.

For you and Brody, wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

I know how frustrating it can be but it will pass!

We are washing everything! Constantly... Literally my washer has not stopped since last Saturday night. It's probably going to break!

Isabelle eats in the living room next to her crate, Titan eats from different bowls incl different food lol in the kitchen. He's also walked in the side yard, isa is walked in the backyard. They've only met face to face since he's So much smaller. He has a tote not a crate so she can't even sniff that, and that is washed with dawn dish liquid and scolding hot water once a day as well. Already in the habit because of coccidia, so I'll just continue! Thanks for the tips.

They gave him flagyl and a probiotic (fortiflora).

It just worries me because I think he's had this for a long while even before we got him and the diarrhea isnt letting him put on weight even feeding him 3 times a day. It's sad!

I don't have any experience with this but I just want to say I'm sorry you are having such a rough time :(. It'll pass and all be worth it, but for now what a bummer!! Crossing my fingers for you that you find a wonderful new vet and things turn around asap!

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Thank you! It seriously is such a bummer and he's such a sweet baby and doesn't even deserve all of these problems either! My hubby & I are at eachothers throats because it's SO exhausting. I'm forcing him to help me even after horribly long hours and days at work because I have isabelle Titan and brody and I'm just SO tired! Luckily he takes isabelle upstairs with him at night as usual :) couldn't force her to be crated when she wasn't before. Plus he's never even been upstairs... Haha.

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yes, it is very contagious to both dogs and humans -- it is a good idea, if not already doing so,m keep him separated and be sure to bleach any area where he :poo:

As otheres have said --- sorry thhis is so tough for you all, but it will pass and be totally worth it
Giardia is a different test than coccidia. That's probably why they didn't catch it. I'm so sorry he is having so many problems. :(
Both of my pups had Giardia but not coccidia. They were treated with Tylon powder for quite some time. I know it is stressful having a sick dog, trust me, but it will pass and you will enjoy your dogs playing together before you know it. Hang in there!
Hope your baby gets better soon. Nothing worse than having a sick one.
Thanks everyone.

We've been bleaching floors, using lysol and lysol wipes on surfaces that cannot be washed or bleached, washing everything in hot water over and over and over all day long.

It's definitely not as fun having a sick puppy as a healthy puppy. And it's a lot more expensive *waves goodbye to money as it goes to the vets office*

What they gave us is apparently the metro? But they use their own type of name? I have a pic of their actual bottle they pour the antibiotics from? And then the probiotic to help combat the diarrhea and I'm assuming he needs the probiotic after having two intestinal parasites!

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Thanks everyone.

We've been bleaching floors, using lysol and lysol wipes on surfaces that cannot be washed or bleached, washing everything in hot water over and over and over all day long.

It's definitely not as fun having a sick puppy as a healthy puppy. And it's a lot more expensive *waves goodbye to money as it goes to the vets office*

What they gave us is apparently the metro? But they use their own type of name? I have a pic of their actual bottle they pour the antibiotics from? And then the probiotic to help combat the diarrhea and I'm assuming he needs the probiotic after having two intestinal parasites!

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I am exhausted reading this.... hope she gets well quickly!
I am exhausted reading this.... hope he gets well quickly!

Haha thank you! He only had one accident during the night instead of 2-3. The probiotic must be helping already since I didn't feed him any differently and I also fed him his 3rd meal a little later than usual which would normally equal out to a later potty break.

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Holy!! I'm glad you're switching vets! Both my dogs had Giardia and they were on a powder for 10 days and then got tested again to ensure it was gone. It's a pain but this too shall pass. Hang in there! Sending a ton of virtual support!
Holy!! I'm glad you're switching vets! Both my dogs had Giardia and they were on a powder for 10 days and then got tested again to ensure it was gone. It's a pain but this too shall pass. Hang in there! Sending a ton of virtual support!

This vet is a lot more expensive. Bye money! She's a french bulldog specialist and actually owns around 12 french bulldog show dogs.

Our current vet actually had the nerve to ask my husband "well why'd you buy the dog then?" when he was upset that they didn't test for Giardia a week ago.

They are acting clueless. It's really upsetting.

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This vet is a lot more expensive. Bye money! She's a french bulldog specialist and actually owns around 12 french bulldog show dogs.

Our current vet actually had the nerve to ask my husband "well why'd you buy the dog then?" when he was upset that they didn't test for Giardia a week ago.

They are acting clueless. It's really upsetting.

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Wow. Just... wow. I'm so sorry you're going through this! The silver lining in this is that it brought you away from them and to a new vet. Better to find out how awful they are during this kind of situation rather than a super emergency. You'll look back on this and laugh eventually! As stressful as it is, it sounds like you've got a great head about it all. Good job with the cleaning!!
We have two vets around us that specialize in frenchies and we frequent both of them. They are definitely more expensive but it is SO worth it to have someone who gets it! I'm glad you found one!

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Wow. Just... wow. I'm so sorry you're going through this! The silver lining in this is that it brought you away from them and to a new vet. Better to find out how awful they are during this kind of situation rather than a super emergency. You'll look back on this and laugh eventually! As stressful as it is, it sounds like you've got a great head about it all. Good job with the cleaning!!

Yeah I think we'll get through this but it seems like poor Titan has been sick for a while before we even got him, and he hasn't put on any weight so I'm glad they at least gave us a probiotic to help him absorb nutrients again so he can atleast maintain his weight. He's so skinny and small. :(

They told us they want to put him a Panacur plus his Flagyl, but since he's barely even over 3 lbs they would have to special order the correct concentration and that will take 2-5 days. So we'll see tomorrow at his new vet what she thinks and if she knows any alternatives to get this little baby better!

I'm trying to stay positive, and just clean, and do the best I can but after last night with the rude vets and discovering he has had 2 parasites all along and such I was in tears...

We have two vets around us that specialize in frenchies and we frequent both of them. They are definitely more expensive but it is SO worth it to have someone who gets it! I'm glad you found one!

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Yes! I think Isabelle and Titan will both benefit, people don't understand bulldogs and all of the things that come along with them a lot of the time, so hopefully she's as good as people say!
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