I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Goober~French Bulldog Available for Adoption in Georgia


Apr 23, 2013
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What a little Goober! Everyoneā€™s favorite boy has made his way to the available page! Prior to his surrender, Goober lived with an older couple from puppyhood where he was cherished and got to go with them EVERYWHERE. When the couple moved into an assisted living community that did not allow dogs, he was temporarily placed with his vet who offered to find him a home. A clinic employee took him home where Goober was an active member of his new household for about three weeks, until unfortunately he killed the resident cat. Frenchies do have terrier blood, and some Frenchies' prey drive is stronger than most; Frenchies tend to be more couch potato than hunter. This sad occurrence is one reason FBRN doesn't place untested dogs in homes with cats, though some applicants are annoyed by that policy. Our hearts go out to the family who lost their cat. Goober came to FBRN so he could find a better match for his personality, and definitely a home without cats or smaller non-dog pets due to his strong prey drive.

Goober had a previous cherry eye surgery and will need closely watched for a re-occurrence. Otherwise, he is in good health. Goober has been around his foster homeā€™s friendsā€™ children as well as neighborhood children. He appears to adore them, but can get a bit rambunctious, so if there are children in your home, be prepared to closely supervise to ensure the safety of everyone. Tell us about your kids' experience with active dogs in your application.

As previously mentioned, he can absolutely not be in a home with cats or other non-dog pets as he will definitely try to chase and kill them. Dogs, on the other hand, he gets along with swimmingly. Goober is comfortable with both male and female dogs, and has been going to doggy daycare where he is placed in playgroups with 15 to 20 similarly sized dogs. He will play with his doggy daycare mates occasionally, but he generally spends his time hanging out and taking in the sights. Goober enjoys other dogs, but is more attracted to human companionship. Goober is a happy-go-lucky guy who is eagerly awaiting his next adventure!

While Goober can be an active boy if given the space, his ultimate wish is to spend time with his human on the couch being pampered and loved on. Like many Frenchies, he is willing to chase a ball, but the return part is something of a challenge for him. Instead, heā€™s more inclined to have a lie down and chew to his heartā€™s content. In the end, it was likely Goober has been in homes that coddled him, but didnā€™t fully socialize or introduce him to new environments. In the right home, Goober could likely become much more active and outgoing! Goober loves any type of ball, adores squeaky toys, and has not met a food he will not eat! He is also a big fan of car rides.

Goober is housebroken to the point where he will alert you by barking at the door when he needs to go outside. When he first came into foster care, he absolutely hated being crated and would bark excessively. His foster home has worked extensively with him, and he is now crate trained, but he still doesnā€™t love it. When asked to go to his crate, he will lie down and roll over on his back in silent supplication: ā€œPlease donā€™t make me go in there.ā€ His foster home has fed all meals and treats in his crate and Goober stays in it every other night to help make his crate a happy wonderful place. Generally heā€™ll stay quiet, but occasionally he will whine or make a fuss for a short time before settling down. His forever home MUST believe in crate training and continue the disciplined consistency in crating him and keeping this stable environment for him. Goober has separation anxiety and if left on his own in an area, he will do serious damage, so crating is the best way to give him a secure safe space to spend time alone.

Gooberā€™s ideal home would be with someone who is around all day and is willing to have Goober accompany them everywhere. An active household with children would be a great fit to engage him mentally and physically, but he also needs to be able to join the family on the couch for some hard core loving time. Absolutely no homes with cats or any other small animals (hamsters, guinea pigs, reptiles, birds, etc). No prior Frenchie experience is required as Goober is a laid back and healthy specimen (though applicants should be educated on Frenchie's special requirements), but he would likely benefit from additional training and obedience classes. His foster family is looking closely for someone who is willing to take the necessary steps to ensure Goober is a well-adjusted, well-trained, active member of the household.

Due to Gooberā€™s propensity to chase prey, he needs to live in a home with a fenced in yard to keep him safe and sound. If he is out on a leash, care must be taken that he doesnā€™t escape to make chase--kids should not be given the responsibility of walking him. Goober is also a good office dog candidate as he will happily accompany his people wherever they want to go, as long of course that there are no small animals or exotics in the office.

Wanna adopt?

Please visit the French Bulldog Rescue Network's website and fill out an application. Click the Frenchie you are wanting to adopt, and you will find an "Apply For Me" button on their information. Please be sure to read their adoption process. Here is the link:


To view more Frenchies from FBRN, follow this link:


Please let them know you found them on French Bulldog News! :)