Hello Fellow Frenchie Owners!


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Jan 9, 2019
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First time ever owning this breed and it has been a rough experience for us. We have never brought a dog from a pet store and although happy to save our baby boy from that awful place, it has been sad. We originally wanted to go threw a breeder but could not find one within driving distance who wasn't charging a down payment on a house (5k +). The pet store offered him to us at a discounted price because no one would buy the poor fellow at his age which is nuts to me he was only 5 months!The first night he pooped diarrhea and called store to be told stress related. day 6 we noticed he was limping, weak, was not eating and non stop diarrhea . Since we just purphased him money was tight but we managed to open a care credit and seek him emergancy help. The pet store did not offer help with bill we are still dealing with that. He is still pooping soft but not bad as before has and still has a great attitude runs around gives out cuddles and kisses an angel! We changed his food from that cheap pet store food they gave us and tried a better grain free wheat free food adding pumpkin and giving probiotics. Nothing worked he is still a pooper and We are trying to gather funds for another testing because vet suspects he still has it sometimes they need longer treatment and hoping to check if he has food allergies. I am happy to have found this website as I tried looking for advice on a facebook group and was told that I shouldn't even have him because I can't afford to take care of him. I did do research on Problems with health as far as breathing joints etc but I will admit I never thought diarrhea was a thing. I found out I was pregnant after a week when I got him so money has been tight also losing my job. But I am trying my best and trying to make him comfortable I take him out every 2 hours plenty of water and I am worried I am not giving enough food but people say over feeding is no good so i stick to it (1 1\2 to 2 cups daily) I am hoping I will be able to take him at the end of the month (go fund me was a fail).
Frenchies have always been my dream dog.
I am hoping this place will be a much better and safer community for me and trappy and ANY advice on how to make him comfortable until vet visit would be great. we are thinking about trying rice but worried it will just be bad. Also, I would love any suggestions on the best dog food and where I could get him allergy tested.
Thank you guys sooo much!
Frenchies can be quite an expensive breed to own. You may want to look into getting pet insurance for him. A new puppy in your care should be seen by a vet and checked over. He may have worms or a parasite that may be causing the diarrhea. For food I would look at Dogfoodadvisor.com to start. Good luck!
We are first time frenchie owners and bought two very close together. I will say they are a very expensive breed to care for. We’ve always owned pitbulls and their care was minimal so it’s been quite different with all of the vet visits we’ve had in less than a year of having them both. With that said I wouldn’t change it for the world but they are definitely a special breed in more ways than one. When we brought Yoda home he had terrible diarrhea. He tested positive for Giardia which took several rounds of treatments to finally get it out of his system. Once we kicked it his stool was still soft. We put him on probiotics which seemed to help but did not fix the problem completely. At our vets recommendation we waited until he turned one to do an allergy test. Voila! We received a long list of allergies but luckily they’ve all been very manageable. We changed his food and he now has completely normal poops 99.9% of the time. I wish you the best of luck! I definitely recommend asking for him to be tested for Giardia... not all vets will test for it initially.
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First time ever owning this breed and it has been a rough experience for us. We have never brought a dog from a pet store and although happy to save our baby boy from that awful place, it has been sad. We originally wanted to go threw a breeder but could not find one within driving distance who wasn't charging a down payment on a house (5k +). The pet store offered him to us at a discounted price because no one would buy the poor fellow at his age which is nuts to me he was only 5 months!The first night he pooped diarrhea and called store to be told stress related. day 6 we noticed he was limping, weak, was not eating and non stop diarrhea . Since we just purphased him money was tight but we managed to open a care credit and seek him emergancy help. The pet store did not offer help with bill we are still dealing with that. He is still pooping soft but not bad as before has and still has a great attitude runs around gives out cuddles and kisses an angel! We changed his food from that cheap pet store food they gave us and tried a better grain free wheat free food adding pumpkin and giving probiotics. Nothing worked he is still a pooper and We are trying to gather funds for another testing because vet suspects he still has it sometimes they need longer treatment and hoping to check if he has food allergies. I am happy to have found this website as I tried looking for advice on a facebook group and was told that I shouldn't even have him because I can't afford to take care of him. I did do research on Problems with health as far as breathing joints etc but I will admit I never thought diarrhea was a thing. I found out I was pregnant after a week when I got him so money has been tight also losing my job. But I am trying my best and trying to make him comfortable I take him out every 2 hours plenty of water and I am worried I am not giving enough food but people say over feeding is no good so i stick to it (1 1\2 to 2 cups daily) I am hoping I will be able to take him at the end of the month (go fund me was a fail).
Frenchies have always been my dream dog.
I am hoping this place will be a much better and safer community for me and trappy and ANY advice on how to make him comfortable until vet visit would be great. we are thinking about trying rice but worried it will just be bad. Also, I would love any suggestions on the best dog food and where I could get him allergy tested.
Thank you guys sooo much!

Welcome to FBN!

As suggested, he may have giardia which can be a real bitch to finally get over... vet needs to test for it and antibiotics are needed. Also, it is contagious so if he does have it, you’ll need to clean everything where he has poo with beach to ensure he doesn’t get it again or you get it. So get him tested for it.

Food.. there is an article on her, ‘why does my puppy have diarrhea ‘. Great info so take read and see if it helps.

What food are you feeding now?

Please keep us posted

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Yes I have been reading everything I can on here !!! I took him to the vet yesterday and I am just awaiting the results on his fecal! Otherwise, The vet was impressed at how healthy he was so I am very happy with that. right now she requested we put him on white rice and ground beef (bland diet) until we figure out what's wrong with his belly. We also are doing a Probiotic she gave us and metronidazole for diarrhea. I am a bit worried about having to do an allergy test I heard its very expensive but we will see whatever to get him to feel better !!
Charlie is our first Frenchie too. Never dreamed we’d be in for such a wild ride. She’s a hand full to say the least!!

We feed our girl Blue Buffalo. It’s grain free and we’ve never had a problem at all. Good luck!!
Welcome! He is so cute! I'm sorry you're having such a rough go but hopefully you'll have the fecal results soon and can find a better food for him. I feed my Frenchie Acana kibble and give daily probiotic yogurt. Please keep us posted!
Yes we got the fecal results absolutely no parasites which is great ! I was so worried he is currently still doing the bland diet we will have to do that for 2 weeks . Vet said we can do a allergy test once we can afford one . I am trying to look for the best food for a sensitive belly for him to see if we can get a hard stool out of him . His poor booty must be tender . He is pooping a little less on the rice so that’s good. Just looking for a good kibble the vet bills get pricey. 0EFE3216-CF92-4893-AC4F-5ADD62E6D426.jpeg
Good news on the fecal test, hope you can find the right kibble.