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Hot weather and exercise


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Sep 24, 2016
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So, we live in LA and we're going into the second week of 90 plus temps. Even early in the morning, it's still 78 degrees! It's been about a week and a half since Carrot got a walk in! What does everyone else do to give their frenchies exercise when it's too hot to go out? I feel like Carrot is almost lethargic due to NO EXERCISE is that's possible! :)
We do a lot indoors... play ball, chase him, wrestle or practice training commands.
Yup, indoor play. If you have a yard, you can try getting him wet with the hose/pool. Jax won't go in the kiddie pool but he loves to chase the water as it comes out of the hose and so he gets wet at the same time.

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We thought about putting Carrot in the pool (with a life vest) but she HATES the water. Avoids the pool at all costs. We do play fetch a lot but I have mostly hard wood floors so I worry about her skidding around.
Yep, pretty much all indoor play, as it's hot here too.
Indoor play as others have said or later in the evening walks when the sun goes down. Mine hate the water too:/
We thought about putting Carrot in the pool (with a life vest) but she HATES the water. Avoids the pool at all costs. We do play fetch a lot but I have mostly hard wood floors so I worry about her skidding around.

That's not part of the fun?!? :tongue: Seriously, unless Carrot is medically fragile, I'm sure she will be fine. Gus is only allowed on the hardwoods, right now, and he LOVES fetch.

[video]http://vid1086.photobucket.com/albums/j448/gracielou7285/Gus%20Fetch.mp4[/video] Not sure why I can't embed the vid. Hmmm
You could do some training, or maybe teach a trick or two to keep her occupied.

I run around the house with my two pups on really hot or really cold days and play lots of fetch. I also have their favourite chew on hand as well.
I have similar temps here in Canada during these months and when we can't make it outside for walks or the dog park. I bring them in the basement where we have carpet and the girl's chase each other and wrestle like they are outside on grass :)
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