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House breaking


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Jun 21, 2016
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Hi, I have a 12 week old girl, had her just after 8 weeks.she is super smart and easy to train but not with house breaking.just need some advice.
She is lazy and if I'm not watching her and reminding her then she will go on the carpets.most the time she is good though.
My trouble is at night time, I let her out last thing for wee and poo between 10 and 11 p.m. She wees every night in her crate and will only cry and bark if she needs a poo which usually is between 4 and 5 a.m.
How long will this last? I'm constantly washing bedding.
I have divided the crate so it's much smaller and not to encourage a toileting area but this has made no difference.
I don't want to go down the route of Pads as feel thats backwards considering I've been teaching her to go outside.plus she just runs off with them and chews them up....
Any advice would be great. Thank you
She is only 12 weeks old, and still a baby. It takes months for them to potty train, and at her age, there is no way she can hold her pee all night long. She may not totally get it until 6 months of age. Time and patience will get her there. They can only hold their pee for about one hour per month of age. So she is 3 months old, so she can only hold her pee for about 3 to 4 hours. Less if she is playing.
It's definitly gonna take a lot more time. Camille is 7 months now and I feels she's finally getting a good grasp of where to pee/poop. She'll have an occasional accident every now and then. She learned not to poop and pee in her crate fairly quick though. But you will have to take her out about every 3-4 hours at night to keep her from going in her crate. And true older she gets the longer you can go until she stops peeing and pooping in the crate. It just takes patients. And offer high reward treats to really encourage going potty where they're supposed to go. Like boiled chicken or turkey deli meat.
Ok that's fine, I have a baby so I'm up quite early still on and off in the night at times, I took her out at 4 this morning and she'd had no accidents.
It's just with Her being my first frenchie I sound realise that they were quite slow at the toilet training. All my other dogs I've had have been house trained through the night by now.she is alot smaller though.
I shall persevere. Thank you all.
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