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I wonder...


New member
May 1, 2014
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We went to the dog park yesterday and met another Frenchie named Jewel. She was there with her male owner, who obviously loves her and dotes on her like a princess, but admitted that she "wasn't feeling well today".

She is only 3 years old, and she was laying on the woodchips, without ever standing up, bleary-eyed and lethargic. Her behavior was bascially one of a 10 year-old Bulldog. She had no visible breathing issues, was not panting and breathed through her nose. He said she's pooping normally.

I did bend down to pet her and noticed that her spine felt strange to me. I realize that French Bulldogs have weird spines to begin with, but hers almost felt 'dented' in a particular spot.

He didn't make any mention of taking her to the veterinarian, but I just wonder if anyone has seen these traits in another Frenchie and what the underlying problem could likely to be.
Frenchies can have spinal issues, and he should get it checked out if he hasn't already, and hopefully he will not breed her if she does have issues.
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