Introducing Marlene


New member
Jun 13, 2016
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Hello, this is my first week with my FB puppy Marlene, she's gorgeous & lovely natured pup (so far!). It's hard work, enjoyable, stressful all at once. I cant wait to be able to walk her outside, although know not to expect much.
Housebreaking going well I think, I'm taking her in garden & she goes & seems to be getting it. No accidents in the house but that's just because watching her like a hawk. I do use the pads for overnight which know some against but I feel impossible not to. My last dog I used newspaper, pads weren't in vogue then, she made transition ok in the end & don't know why would be different now.
I've read before getting Marlene that FB notoriously hard to housebreak but I'm not noticing much difference so far from my last dog & she was a Heinz57. Anyone finding having more difficulty?
It sounds like she's catching onto the potty training very well! My Frenchie Wally was easy to potty train too but it was my other dog who really potty trained him as he would follow her and do everything she did. It really depends on the dog. Some Frenchies are a lot more stubborn than others.

I used newspaper for both my dogs. I didn't feel the need for puppy pads.
Welcome Marlene!

Both of mine potty trained easily. My boy only had accidents because he was sick as a puppy, so I used puppy pads in his tote (yes he slept in a tote LOL) and that was just for my sanity and also sanitary reasons.

Watching them like a hawk and taking them out constantly is basically all you do to potty train IMO. To me if you take them outside and they potty and get praise, then go back in, they know "I go potty here". These two pups were my first ever dogs, and literally my first ever puppy was my girl Frenchie. I'm surprisingly proud that I've had minor issues...

Sounds like you're on the path to potty training!

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:welcome3: to FBN!

Would love to see a picture of your girl! Yes, they can be tough to train.... took us 2 full years to get Cheli on board.
My Nellie is not doing so well with potty training. Mostly my fault. I haven't crate trained her mostly because am having a hard time locking her in her crate. I have a huge fenced back yard and take her out on schedule every morning when i wake up and after a meal before work and the same when i get home. A sitter comes around noon and takes her out as well. the issue is that i can pretty much time her poops very well. But the peeing is all over the place. After a play session sometimes she can pee 3 time in 5 minute intervals! Its hard to predict. So all of her accidents have been peeing accident inside. Whenever i feel like we've gone 4-5 days with no accidents then one happens. It's frustrating. but i guess i have to make up my mind about crate training.