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Is your Frenchie a bulldozer?


New member
Aug 13, 2013
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Twiggy is the sweetest thing ever, so it's funny and adorable to me how she just "bulldozes" everything that's in her way when she wants something or wants to get somewhere. She just uses her stubby little body to run over or push through anything, whether it's a chair, a cat, a dog, vertical blinds, anything. It's just so funny to see her do it.
Maple is very gentle around people and other animals, but she can be a little bulldozer around objects. But she also tends to 'paw' at things quite often. lol
yep, that is Cheli --- if he is in the 'zone' everything and anything in the path is going down or over, including other dogs and people. :D
Twiggy is the sweetest thing ever, so it's funny and adorable to me how she just "bulldozes" everything that's in her way when she wants something or wants to get somewhere. She just uses her stubby little body to run over or push through anything, whether it's a chair, a cat, a dog, vertical blinds, anything. It's just so funny to see her do it.

Molly is quite the little bulldozer herself! Especially when she wants the attention "the boy" (aka Leo) is getting, LOL.

She also likes to break up the Frenchie "brawls" (aka group play), if Leo and Benjamin, Bitty or Olive are playing, she will literally THROW herself into the middle of it to break it up, it's the funniest thing!!!
Yup! Wally is a pushy little bugger and will push anything or anyone out of his way to get where he wants to go.
Banksy is FOR SURE a bulldozer. And he paws at us when were on the couch to be let up. He is a wrestler for sure - very tough boy
This is so funny as Dexter just rammed a pretty heavy foot stool into the wall! The head goes down and bulldozer mode engages! The strength in him is amazing, and he's still tiny!
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