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Itchy Puppy


New member
Nov 12, 2024
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My puppy is now almost 6 months old and frequently scratches, though she doesn’t have any visible bumps or irritated spots. At one point, her fur started feeling a bit coarse, so we began giving her a multivitamin powder and omega-3 chews, which quickly made her coat softer—but the itching persists.
I initially fed her beef as her primary protein but switched to turkey, yet her itchiness remained the same. I don’t believe it’s environmental since she was already itchy before she was fully vaccinated and allowed outside. She also tested negative for mites, and I wash all their beds and linens using fragrance- and dye-free detergent.
Has anyone experienced something similar? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

For reference this is her food / supplement regimen:
Multi Vitamin Powder
Omega 3 Chews
Bovine Colostrum
Raised Right Pets Frozen Lightly Cooked Turkey Puppy Growth Recipe
Where is she itching! Ears, heads or just all over?
Hmm… try a little coconut oil in her food. Are you bathing her often?
Thanks for the suggestion. I started that yesterday. Fingers crossed. I don't bath her particularly often. Every 3-4 weeks. I also brush in a little bit of coconut oil every few days.
Back off the baths to maybe once a quarter. My guys are raw fed and only get a bath once maybe twice a year.
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