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Locate and Clear Anal Gland

Chan Kai Cheong

New member
Feb 26, 2015
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Hi, my frenchie is 5 months old, i have a problem to locate his anal glad, i can only feel its hip joint.
my finger is too thick to put in its anal, is there any technique besides visiting the vet?
There is a way to express them from the outside. I'm sure you can find something online but the anal glands are at about 4:00 and 7:00 in relation to the rectum. You get underneath them and gently squeeze in and up toward the rectum. Is there a reason you want to do this? Is he having problems? Normally the glands empty when they have a bowel movement. I would get a Veterinarian or someone knowledgeable to show you how to do it before trying it yourself.
Thanks both for the reply [MENTION=543]bully[/MENTION]mam. I have read the article serval times and also different related YouTube video
yesterday I bring my frenchie to the vet for immune injection, and also asked him to check his anal gland. Find out it's quite empty. I was told frenchie who eats kibble eeds to be clean their anal gland in a regular schedule even within normal bowel movement. I guess the Fromm kibble end up pretty well at the anal
We feed ours kibble and never express them. I have had only one that we had to take to the vet and they did express her glands because she had a little problem with them, but has not needed it done since, that was 6 months ago. So I would say if they are not having a problem with them, as in scooting across the floor trying to get relief, then I wouldn't worry about them.
Usually the anal glands empty themselves when the dog does their business.
But this can only happen when the stool is solid. So if your dog always has soft/runny poo the anal glands may not be able to express themselves. But I agree,as long as the dog doesnt seem uncomfortable /rubs his butt on the floor I would just let it be. I heard when you express them yourself you have to do it over and over again because they will no longer do it themselves.
Jax will be 2 in April and his anal glands have never needed to be expressed.
thanks all for the comment
I must admit I am over react to the issue because its my first dog and I treat it as my child
I will try to seek more info here before I do something stupid
You definitely don't need to try to empty it if she isn't having a problem. That is usually something people do when the dog is scooting because they aren't emptying by themselves. It's not something you just do on a regular basis. Your baby will be fine. It's hard not to worry about them though because we love them so much. You're doing a great job!