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Loose stool


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Sep 2, 2015
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2-9-15 Hi my son just bought a new pup 10 wks old. went to the vet last night they say nothing to worry about but still has very loose smelling stools. Brown at times then grey then back brown any help please. thank you
Has the stool been tested for parasites?
What do you feed him? And how much?
Hi and welcome. I am wondering the same things as MaplesMommy.
Penny (about to be 11 weeks) had very loose stool and incredibly stinky poop for about 1.5 weeks when we first brought her home. The only thing that was more "impressive" than the "aroma" of her poops was how OFTEN she managed to go despite only being 4.2-4.5lbs during that time.

The first thing I did was (as others have mentioned) get a fecal test done to confirm that the puppy did not have parasites.

Once confirmed, Penny went on a white rice/boiled chicken gruel diet to which I added probiotics. I then started to work her kibble back in to her rotation in small increments. The white rice helps to stiffen up her stool without being offensive to a french bulldog puppy's sensitive stomach. I have heard you can also used canned pumpkin (not the pie filling type), but I can't speak for it as I haven't tried it personally. Long story short, I am convinced Penny had some food intolerance with the treats/kibble we were using (Health Extension Lamb/Rice little bites formula) as her stool started to loosen up once the ratio of kibble to rice mix became greater. I started over on the white rice and chicken mix and tried mixing in different puppy food that avoided any common ingredients from the kibble and treats we were previously giving her and so far so good! *Fingers crossed*

I know how stressful it can be when an innocent little puppy has loose stool... I also know how difficult it can be to clean up after the loose stool. I hope you get to the bottom of this soon!! :)
It is not uncommon for a pup to have parasites, so I would definitely make sure and have a fecal exam done. If a test was done and it is negative, then I would switch foods (slow transition) as it could be a food intolerance. A little white rice (not brown) mixed in with food will help firm things up to. Good luck to your son.
Since parasite tests came back negative, I'm practically sure it's the food. We went through loose poop period with Moses and to find a mix that suites him seemed to take forever.
Very, very slow transition with puppies though. Moses was on Science Hill when be picked him up. We immediately started to transfer him to Grain Free Orijen Puppy.

His poop varied throughout puppy period and early adolescence...loose yellowish, loose yellow/brown etc. on rare occasions he pooped truly solid dark brown. I also noticed a correlation with heavy exercise and good solid poop (when he was a bit older).

Note also that if the poop is loose for a good period of time, you should check the anal glands. Normal solid poop cleans the glands, but loose stool might also cause anal glands to fill up.

Orijen is a good food but high on protein. Later on we learnt that it might cause some issues with some dogs. I believe that was it in our case. In any case if/when I'm going to get another puppy. I will start with Orijen Puppy, grain free. Other good ones are Acana Puppy and many here give Fromm with excellent experiences.
Are you sure they performed ALL of the parasite tests. Giardia will NOT show up on a normal parasite test, and our previous vet was convinced our pup had nothing but coccidia.

We found our current vet through a referral from one of my husband's higher ups and she did a separate test and discovered he was completely infested with Giardia.

If you know 110% you had BOTH types of stool tests done and both were negative, it wouldn't hurt to suggest a 2nd Giardia, and if it's not that I agree with [MENTION=1348]Chiana[/MENTION]... Has to be the food. And that's a complete guessing game, beside that some proteins are too rich, so I would start off with chicken as the protein and see if that helps.

I also think the white rice/chicken would help.

I used probiotics with pepto in them and pure pumpkin to assist my sanity, but none of this will help if there are parasites involved.
2-9-15 Hi my son just bought a new pup 10 wks old. went to the vet last night they say nothing to worry about but still has very loose smelling stools. Brown at times then grey then back brown any help please. thank you

Any update?
Hi --sorry for the late reply.Dexter is being treated for parasite infection at the moment. Also he makes a terrible sound from his throat vet says once again all ok. i do worry about him was told this breed does have problems.He is back with my son just now but will update when i pupsit again --thank you all so much --- marcasite123 uk
Hi --sorry for the late reply.Dexter is being treated for parasite infection at the moment. Also he makes a terrible sound from his throat vet says once again all ok. i do worry about him was told this breed does have problems.He is back with my son just now but will update when i pupsit again --thank you all so much --- marcasite123 uk

Good to hear he is on the meds to help.... As for the noise if you can get a video of the sound we may be able to help identify and possibly put your mind at ease