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My dog won't poop outside


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Oct 6, 2014
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So I recently added a beautiful 9 week old frenchie to my family. It's been over a week and I can't get her to to poop outside. I take her out and spend 15 to 20 min. on the grass with her and she she only goes pee. We have a designated playpen for her when we cannot watch her or while we're at work with potty pads but it gets frustrating when she poos and she tramples all over it which is quite frustrating. It's also hard to predict when she goes poop, she usually goes randomly. She doesn't poo when she wakes up and she doesnt go after she eats, it usually takes hours. Any advice?!
Just keep trying, usually they go about 20 minutes or less after a meal, try to get her to run around outside and that should help stimulate her. Have a treat ready for when she does finally go outside and give her tons of praise.

When she goes inside do not scold her, just clean it up and focus your frustration on the mess. Maybe even pretend to cry by whimpering. (That's what I do)

I always look from their point of view- they don't know yet where to go, they just gotta go!

So if you cry while cleaning it inside, she will know it makes you sad. If you praise when she goes outside, she will understand it makes you happy.

One day she will understand this, and it usually happens very quickly when you use the above method.

Now your goal is to get her to go outside so you can convey that message! :up:
She is still young. Just keep being consistent in taking her out and be ready to praise her as soon as she goes. She will eventually get it.
It takes time and patience.... it took us almost two years to get Cheli fully trained -- consitency and patience
Thank you all for the advice. I thought we had a break through last night, Lilo pooped in the yard and I gave her an additional 15 min to see if she needed to relieve herself some more. I put her in the crate and went to take a shower, but she soiled herself in the crate. This morning she relieved herself and I put her back in the crate and everything seems to be fine, but we'll see when I come back home for lunch :pray:. Maybe patience is my only option, it was so much easier with my Min pin
Do you feed just dry food? I have found out (the hard way over the years ! LOL) that if you add hot water or hot water and wet dog food gravy over their kibble it helps their stomach to pre-digest and keeps their stools firm but not so hard and dry. Plus I would take Meanie who is now 5 1/2 months old outside after we played onside with a toy and kept her moving and running after her meal....when we stopped for a break we went outside to her "spot" and wa la....!
You have received great advice. Stick with it and it will happen. Much of the habits hate learned early, at the breeder. I was fortunate to have a breeder that started very early with crate training along with outdoor breaks. My Frenchie has been house trained, correction I'm trained to identify when she has potty needs. 20 mins after feeding and after EVER nap. She will not go in her confined 7 ft by 4 ft area when left alone. We are luck. Stay on this and it will happen.

We still have episodic times but they are less than once a week and hasn't happened for 10 days.

Enjoy your blessing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk while walking my Frenchie.
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