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My French Bulldog Killed a cat in front of my own eyes!


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Feb 11, 2015
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Honestly, due to a horrific incident, I'm pretty shaken up at the moment. Yesterday, 10/2/2015, my french bulldog killed a cat (street cat). I tried to stop her, yet she wouldn't listen. I even kicked her -- to let go of the cat -- but she just kept on biting the cat until the poor thing died! I've never seen her this aggressive before. When my Frenchie (Erykah) woke up today, she started limping. Don't worry guys, she's fine now (walking normally again). I'm really concerned about this incident. I wanted to take her to a vet today, but we are having a snow storm tonight--it will be hard to leave the house. French Bulldogs are really good with kids, however, I'm really worried now. I've always had this impression that she was a sissy dog. She's so friendly and adorable! She's really good with humans, plays with complete strangers.and rarely barks. By the way, this happened in my front-yard. What would you recommend to PREVENT this from happening again?
it is hard to see that but it happens... I had to beautiful sweet boxers( rip Oscar and Scout) that loved everyone except kitties. One day a neighbors large declawed cat wandered into my fenced in yard and they killed the cat. Some dogs have strong prey drive. It wasn't their fault and I am not sure they meant to kill the cat. The worst part was returning the poor cat to the distraught elderly owners. I went over to tell them what happened and offered to bury the cat as they were really not well. They were very upset but admitted that it was their fault for letting the cat out. I returned the poor little guy clean and wrapped in a towel. It was heart breaking.
I'm sure it was quite traumatizing. We see our dogs as family members, not animals. But they are animals, and some dogs have a strong prey drive. It doesn't matter if it is a rat or a cat, any small animal can be viewed as prey. Now you know that Erykah is prey-driven. It will not affect how she reacts with people, but sometimes very small dogs can also be viewed as prey, so you may need to be careful with that.
I'm sorry this happened to you, and of course, that poor cat.
Offering internet hugs! What a rough situation. :unsure: I would definitely take her to a vet because a stray cat can carry many diseases that can be transmitted either via blood or scratching. Just know that your Erykah is still the same dog as before. Don't be afraid of her or hold it against her - she only did what dogs naturally do, and as others have said, for some dogs that urge is stronger than others. Our shepherd mix would most definitely do the same if she ever got hold of a cat. As far as prevention goes, there's really not much you can do other than to keep her leashed and pay attention to her body language around smaller animals.
Yikes!!! Definitely take her to the vet. Cat scratches and bites can be very bad for your dog, and people too! I'm sorry you had to witness that. I would have freaked right out!!! Poor kitty too but Frenchies do have a high prey drive so your dog did what comes naturally. She is still your sissy pup, that hasn't changed.

My dogs think that cats are just big squirrels but when they are anywhere but our fenced back yard I ensure that Wally is on leash in case he spots a cat (or squirrel). I doubt he would catch it but I don't want to take the chance of getting his face (mostly his eyes) scratched up. My BT Uma is better trained and listens so she wouldn't bolt at a cat. Wally on the other hand....
I can imagine how hard this is for you. Like everyone else said, things like this just happen sometimes. Now you know she has a strong prey drive, you will just have to keep a close eye on her. I would take her to the vet. Cat scratches or bites can be pretty nasty.
:eek: so sorry about all that! Cheli also has a very high prey drive and I know if he got his jaws on a squirrel, cat, or bunny -- they would be toast! Get him to the vet when you can make sure he is OK and there are not injuries you can not see.
As for prevention... keeping him on lead might be your only option when outside :(
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I can only imagine how hard it was to witness this whole event. I'm so sorry. Some dogs have a high prey drive and you will just have to be more cautious with her around small animals. I agree with the others though about taking her to the vet just to be sure she is okay. Good luck.
Offering internet hugs! What a rough situation. :unsure: I would definitely take her to a vet because a stray cat can carry many diseases that can be transmitted either via blood or scratching. Just know that your Erykah is still the same dog as before. Don't be afraid of her or hold it against her - she only did what dogs naturally do, and as others have said, for some dogs that urge is stronger than others. Our shepherd mix would most definitely do the same if she ever got hold of a cat. As far as prevention goes, there's really not much you can do other than to keep her leashed and pay attention to her body language around smaller animals.

Big internet hug back atcha! :)
Thank you very much [MENTION=1094]seastrike[/MENTION], [MENTION=1072]Fosta Mama[/MENTION], [MENTION=950]shortstuff[/MENTION], [MENTION=902]Squishy Walnuts[/MENTION], [MENTION=179]Tgirl[/MENTION], [MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] and [MENTION=600]Jakeyjake[/MENTION] for the support and valuable advice... you guys are awesome! I've come to terms that I completely accept Erykah's killer instinct. An extra effort will be put to prevent this from happening again. Joining this awesome Frenchie forum will help me learn more about this stubborn breed.
Sorry you had to witness that! And kick your own baby for it! Definitely a stressful thing!

Everyone above has given great advice, my Isabelle seems to be prey driven with my sister in laws chihuahua. She hasn't ever tried to bite her but she pounces ontop of her and crushes her! and it's definitely not a "Aww FRENCHIE pounce" type of pounce. She doesn't do anything mean to our tiny puppy though. Maybe she senses he's a Frenchie.
Sorry you had to witness that! And kick your own baby for it! Definitely a stressful thing!

Everyone above has given great advice, my Isabelle seems to be prey driven with my sister in laws chihuahua. She hasn't ever tried to bite her but she pounces ontop of her and crushes her! and it's definitely not a "Aww FRENCHIE pounce" type of pounce. She doesn't do anything mean to our tiny puppy though. Maybe she senses he's a Frenchie.

I still feel bad about that, but don't sweat it! She is being showered with love and gifts. I'm telling you, E is over friendly. I used to call her a sissy(her old nickname). And yes, to that extent! Now her new nickname is Tiger! Oh by the way Blushy, she has never been around a small dog before, so thank you for alerting me to this issue.
I still feel bad about that, but don't sweat it! She is being showered with love and gifts. I'm telling you, E is over friendly. I used to call her a sissy(her old nickname). And yes, to that extent! Now her new nickname is Tiger! Oh by the way Blushy, she has never been around a small dog before, so thank you for alerting me to this issue.

Please be careful, my friend frenchie has just killed her chihuahua, they've lived together for five years! It was very traumatic and I really wouldn't want you to go through this. 😞
Please be careful, my friend frenchie has just killed her chihuahua, they've lived together for five years! It was very traumatic and I really wouldn't want you to go through this. [emoji20]

That is why I don't allow my isabelle away from my side when my SIL's chihuahua is over. I always have a firm hold on her harness so she can't get away.

I also don't let her free range with our Frenchie puppy, since he's so small, I fear even a small grab would really injure him so I avoid it at all costs.

I'm sorry for your friends loss. That must've been horrendous to witness. Sending prayers.
Thank you, it's been devastating because she attacked another of her dogs so, she's had to have her put to sleep, she's heartbroken. Thank you
So sorry to hear all those sad stories :(
My girl is super gentle with all kinds of animals.
Especially to our (then tiny) cat :)

So sorry to hear all those sad stories :(
My girl is super gentle with all kinds of animals.
Especially to our (then tiny) cat :)


Hudson is like Maple with other animals, including cats. It makes me so sad to read all these stories, I feel really lucky that Hudson doesn't seem to have much of a prey drive. I swear he'd play with the squirrels and birds if I'd let him.

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