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Neck pain and prednisone


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Aug 26, 2015
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I'm hoping someone with similar experience will be able to share their thoughts with me. I have a 5 year old frenchie who started walking stiffly and not getting off her bed much about a week ago. I took her to the vet bc I could tell she was in pain. We started her on prednisone and tramadol for pain. The side effects of the prednisone have been rough, she was panting and agitated for the first two days, so much so that I took her back to the vet bc I was so worried. He said to keep on the meds bc we needed to see an improvement on her pain. The side effects have gotten better now that we're on day 4, but she's still really lethargic (another side effect) and walking stiffly. We're giving her until tomorrow, then we'll see a specialist and possible surgery.

Has anyone ever had their frenchie on prednisone for back or neck issues? How long did it take the prednisone to show improvement? I'm so upset and worried seeing her like this.
Prednisone is often used for neck and back problems. It helps with the inflammation. Down side is that is can cause them to be lethargic, hungry, and thirsty. I hope she responds to it and doesn't have to have surgery. :( Poor baby!
Sorry to hear your baby is going through this. I'm not much help because mine have never been on prednisone, but I hope they determine the source of the pain soon. Did they do x-rays? Good luck and keep us posted!
Poor pup!!! I also do not have any experience but I hope she's able to find relief soon. Good luck!
so sorry your baby is not doing well!

i have lots of experience with pain in a canine, my Bulldog banks had very bad arthritis in her spine and we managed it with meds. I was totally against steroids so at first our vet recommended tramadol and derramaaxx, but that only worked for awhile so we went to tramadol and gabapetin... it was awesome. We used the Gabby with laser therapy and she did great - it all started at about age 4 and she lived to be a active and mobile 9 yrs old
I am like [MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION], I would rather give tramadol and gabapetin, than prednisone, especially if your baby is having problems with it. You might ask your vet about it. Plus has he done an X-ray to see what the problem is? I hope your baby gets to feeling better soon.
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