New here, doing my research on this breed!


New member
Oct 24, 2018
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Hi there! I fell in love with Frenchies after babysitting two fawn puppies. I am aware of the breed's many health issues however, so here I am doing as much research as I possibly can before I (maybe) own one in the future. Although I won't be getting a puppy for several more years yet, I figure it's never too early to start gathering info :)
That's a very smart approach to take! Welcome! As someone who also did research before eventually acquiring one myself, I was still surprised by a few things when I brought mine home (I adopted a 12 month old). The more knowledge you arm yourself with, the better prepared you will be when you are ready :)
Akihba, welcome to FBN! I’m always impressed with people who join before they get their first Frenchie. It means they will be well prepared to provide their Frenchie with a great home.
Welcome to FBN... love that you are researching and learning before purchasing/adoption!!

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