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New owner with stomach worries


New member
Apr 22, 2016
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Hi, first time coming on this site and hoping for some advise or to put my mine at ease.

Last Saturday picked up Leo, 16 week old frenchie.
Lovely and seemed to settle well.
Tuesday morning we spotted some blood in his stool, but was having his first local vet visit in the afternoon so mentioned it then. The vet said it was likely stress and not to worry.
All of Tuesday & wedneday was the same. I contacted the breeder and the vets again and they all said not to worry to much and to keep an eye on. We cut out the treats he was having as we thought this might have been the problem
Thursday it got to much so I went back to the vets again and the nurse recommend probiotics and switching to chicken and rice.
He had this last night and again this morning. His energy levels seem fine, or so I understand. A few hours play is normal a day.
This lunch he didn't eat very much and seems to just want cuddles today, but was playful this morning.
His stools have been loose & always some blood since Tuesday, and this morning there was a bit more. It's all fresh blood.
The vet had said if it doesn't clear up or get better by Monday to then bring him back.
My partner and I are so worried, he is our first dog & we feel quite out of our depth, not sure if we are doing the right things.
Has anyone any advice or if has had a similar problem ?
My first vet visit they also told us it was stress related. After a week and not clearing up took her to another vet we trusted more. They did a rectal exam and found a growth that eventually had to be surgically removed.
Insist on a rectal exam or get a second opinion.

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thanks. I'm due to take him back on Monday, the vet was great, but at the time he had only done it the once.
I'll mention this. :)

Sorry worrying though .
He should also be tested for parasites. Jax had giardia when I got him and I had no idea. The vet did a fecal test at our first visit and that is how I found out.
I would take a sample of the poo to the vet for testing... parasites and make sure they include giardia in the testing.

Congrats on the new baby and :welecome3: to FBN
I went back this afternoon and they spent a long time with me. The have given a vet version of chicken and rice which he LOVED and what is basically some doggie lucazade. We have an appointment tomorrow if it hasn't cleared up. I'll be mentioning all the suggestions, so thank you very much

- - - Updated - - -

And tank you for the welcome. Once it's all calmed down I'll post some pics :)
Welome to the forum! Good luck with everything keep us posted
Sounds like a parasite. Giardia or Coccidia, or if you're unlucky like me, both.

Good luck!

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I would go to another vet and make sure they do a fecal exam on him. Parasites are common amongst pups and he may need medicine.
Just back from the vet. Colitis it seems, some tablets, bland food & probiotics.
He was better this morning which is a good start.
Thanks for all the advice! :)
Just a quick update.
Leo himself is going from strength to strength. Even more playful. Toilets have slowed up, not going anywhere near as often, still a bit soft and fresh blood at the end, but not everytime. Think we are making progress. :)
Just a quick update.
Leo himself is going from strength to strength. Even more playful. Toilets have slowed up, not going anywhere near as often, still a bit soft and fresh blood at the end, but not everytime. Think we are making progress. :)
Glad to hear he is doing better!