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Paw licking again

Rudi Lim

New member
Jun 26, 2013
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Hi guys, from my previous post of paw licking, I concluded the beef was the culprit. So I switched Panda to raw pork and he stopped licking.

I bought some ducks a couple of days back for another dog, Lulu, I thought I gave Panda a try on it too. Today is the second day on duck and he started paw licking again. Do I stop the duck or wait for a few more weeks just to be sure?

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Ugh... Allergies are a killer to nail down-- it is possible yo be allergic to both. A friend of mine has a Pitbull that is allergic to all meats--- he is on a pure fish diet made by a nutritionist

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It's weird how he got allergic to beef, he was fine eating it before. I will go back to pork and let him try some lamb later. Thank you [MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION]

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I swear that I was able to feed Beezy duck for months, but she scratched like crazy during this last batch. Was it the duck, or something else? Like 2bullymama said, it's so hard to pin down. But I think it's possible to be allergic to something you weren't previously allergic to, especially if the sourcing is different. Your dog can even be allergic to something in the cow's diet, which makes it even harder to track.
I swear that I was able to feed Beezy duck for months, but she scratched like crazy during this last batch. Was it the duck, or something else? Like 2bullymama said, it's so hard to pin down. But I think it's possible to be allergic to something you weren't previously allergic to, especially if the sourcing is different. Your dog can even be allergic to something in the cow's diet, which makes it even harder to track.

You are right, it could be the source of meat. Or could it because I have been too complacent and fed him beef for too long? I heard we need to rotate different meats every few months. Panda has been on beef for a year. I like feeding them beef as I can get Australian import beef here. I will just have to keep trying.

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A friend of mine has a Pitbull that is allergic to all meats--- he is on a pure fish diet made by a nutritionist

Interesting. Beezy seems to not tolerate so many things but does well on fish. I was wondering if it was possible to do salmon with her. The place I get her raw food from has a seafood section, but all the comments are from cat owners so I just wasn't sure. Although, I did find some Hound and Gatos canned salmon and we're testing it now. You just don't automatically think "fish" when you're looking for dog food.
Interesting. Beezy seems to not tolerate so many things but does well on fish. I was wondering if it was possible to do salmon with her. The place I get her raw food from has a seafood section, but all the comments are from cat owners so I just wasn't sure. Although, I did find some Hound and Gatos canned salmon and we're testing it now. You just don't automatically think "fish" when you're looking for dog food.

ask the store or call the manufacturer... se if they have any insight
Hey folks. New to the forum and frenchies but not new to dogs... my little 15mo old I adopted is fantastic. But we are trying to get his diet right. He was on a really poor dog chow; he had a yeast infection in his ears and had the runs. We now put him on Health Extension grain free (see picture below if Ingredients). He has been on it 5 days as of this post. He started paw licking 3 days ago. It's not a lot...maybe 2x a day. Any ideas?? Could it be the change in diet? New area? Walks on the beach? Or the food itself?

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Chicken and duck can cause allergies, so I would stop the duck for a week and see if that helps. Could also just be environmental, allergies are always so hard to find the problem.
You would maybe need to try something with minimal ingredients. So for example, my Frenchie is reactive to pretty much all main ingredients in that list. Extremely bad with chickpeas, peas, lentils, fish.... The sweet potato natural sugars give him yeast issues. But the only way to find that out was to feed him extremely limited ingredient food and eliminate.

He has also just had a really bad reaction to duck. It could well be what the duck is actually fed on. Who knows. It's so tough with these food reactions. Good luck finding something that works.
Agree with the above... limited ingredient food and avoid chicken try a red meat or fish base food some of the more successful that you can try are

Earthborn Holistic
Taste of the Wild
The Honest Kitchen

Also you can give benedryl to help with environmental itches.... 1mg per pound up to 3x a day

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