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pimple on chin


New member
Apr 18, 2015
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my little girl has what looks like a pimple on her chin area. shes not scratching it or anything, but it still concerns me. ive read about cleaning the area with Stridex pads. suggestions on it. i keeping on eye on it and of-course if it gets any larger she will go right to the vet.
I don't have any experience with pimples (just warts) so I'm not sure what you clean it with but what kind of bowls do you use for food/water? If you are not using stainless steel, I would get some as I have read that non-stainless steel bowls can cause dog and cat acne.
Can you post a picture and how old is she?

Stridex works if it is a pimple and I also have used witch hazel
Pups will get these from time to time, especially if they drink or eat out of plastic bowls. Just wipe it and dry it after they eat or drink. Once they get a little older, you usually don't have to do this,
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