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Nov 2, 2019
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My name is Kelly and I have a 3 month old frenchie named Stella! She is absolutely adorable, but she eats her poop when I am not fast enough to pick it up. Help! What can I do. I tried "Forbid", a powder the vet gave me and it didn't work. A friend told me to put cayanne pepper on it but the vet said with their sensitive stomachs, she didn't advise it.

Any advice would be appreciated.

What are you feeding her?

While puppies will eat gross things, dogs tend to eat their poop when they are missing nutrients in their food, or hungry.
If it makes you feel any better, my dog runs around eating chicken poop, which we’ve now fondly named “chicken chips”. Hopefully he’ll grow out of it :pray:

My name is Kelly and I have a 3 month old frenchie named Stella! She is absolutely adorable, but she eats her poop when I am not fast enough to pick it up. Help! What can I do. I tried "Forbid", a powder the vet gave me and it didn't work. A friend told me to put cayanne pepper on it but the vet said with their sensitive stomachs, she didn't advise it.

Any advice would be appreciated.


What are you feeding and how much per meal? It could be she still smells it as food.

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