Potty Training

Tiffany Thorp

New member
Jun 20, 2016
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So our frenchie is a year old! We struggled FOREVER to get her potty trained... but now it feels like she's reverting back to old habits. My husband and I work all day, so she stays in her crate until our dog walker comes by mid-day to take her out for about 30 minutes. Then she goes back into the crate until I'm home a few hours later. On weekends, when we go out to run errands we try to leave her out (and have been increasing the time increments that she's alone) and it's been working out really well! But today, my husband left her out of the crate after their walk and left for work - around 9:30 AM - but when the dog walker came by at 2 PM, Winnie had already peed inside! And last weekend, we left her out like usual, but she decided to pee FOUR different times on the carpet .... We're unsure of what to do at this point since it is so hit or miss with Winnie. Any suggestions? We would like to be able to leave her out...
Our frenchie is 1 year too and I'm slowly transitioning her to being alone. She hasn't been in a crate for several months but has been gated off in smaller areas of the house. She's doing well with this transition. Little by little is all you can do. Is water being left out for your frenchie?
Don't leave her out. It sounds like she isn't ready. She might be mad about being left alone. I'd put her in her kennel when you are gone.