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Problem of Cold Air

Chan Kai Cheong

New member
Feb 26, 2015
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My 5 months old frenchie just recovered from flu.
The vet said the flu may due to the short nasal, which it could not warm the air before it reach the airway. Thus, it does not matter if you put on clothes for it. Which also means I could not take it to walk during winter.
It is because I am from Hong Kong and the lowest temperature is only like 5 degree celcious. I know there are a lot of frenchie live in the area which the lowest temperature may reach below 0 degree celcious.

Do your frenchie has respiratory problem during winter due to its short nasal? Or what is the solution?

Because it is still quite young and I do not want to risk it. Please let me know what you do when you take it outside when its cold.
I live in Canada, and the coldest day this year so far was -27. I live right by the ocean so the wind chill is strong.
On those really cold days ,Maple just goes out to do her business and then comes right back in. I dont walk her on those days. However I do walk her when its around -10 . She has a really nice,thick winterjacket. Infact she loves to play in the snow. The deeper,the better.
She never has any issues with the cold. However when we picked her up in November 2013 she didnt like to be outside in cold weather at all. Even with jacket and booties on she kept shaking. So that winter when she was a pup we only took her out on milder days where the snow wasnt deep or went for a car ride instead or I carried her.
thanks for your comment
yes, my fremchie was sick on the second day he arrived my house and he is 5 month old, but he has recovered after 10 days from the second visit to the vet. The vet gave him 5 kinds of medicine and a eye drop for his nose.
I was told frenchie is less tolerate to cold and heat
I guess even his hair is short, but he is at least surround by a layer of fat thats why they will be doing alright when the growth.
I will keep him indoor when it is a windy day in winter
I live on Vancouver Island and its very mild here, it rarely goes below 0 and it hasn't snowed at all this winter; however, I am always cold and keep my house very warm with a woodstove. I am pretty sure that I have climatized my pup he lays all froggy legged out on the hearth which gets very warm and whines and shivers a bit when I take him outside for potty time LOL But he seems to not even care once he starts running around and chasing the cats :) He does get a little bit of a runny nose at night time when he is tired out and ready for bed.
The cold only affects Wally when it's colder than -10C, otherwise he's fine in the cold & snow. His breathing isn't any different when it's colder. I'm glad my dogs are small so I can exercise them in the house on the very cold & very hot days. Poor things had a rough February with very few walks.
I know with Fish he hates the cold. Sometimes i think he is a little kid because he will come in with a runny nose and boogers after doing his business.
I'm glad your baby is getting better, and as several people have said, they do fairly well in the cold as long as they are not out for very long. You said you will keep him inside on windy days, I hope you keep him in the house all the time except when he needs to do his business outside. Frenchies are an indoor dog only.
Yes, I live in a apartment with no garden, so actually most of the time he is staying in door.
but the apartment of Hong Kong is quite small, I will need to take him to walk to spend his energy, which is no more than twice a day, around 30 minutes per time.
what I mean keeping him indoor is because I live at coastal area, the wind is quite strong when the weather is changing, and during that period of time, I will skip his walk
When it is cold, Cheli is about about getting his business done and back in the house. As others have said, just walk him long enough to get the pee/poo done and back inside
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