Pierce has non-struvite bladder stones. He has been on the Hills Science U/D food for a little over a year. I do not like this food. It has grain, which he had never had until he went on it. Luckily, he has not had a terrible time with yeast, but I just don’t like the quality. Another thing is between the food and being neutered, he has gained about 6 pounds within the last 8 months. He is getting 1 1/2 cups total a day. When I went to purchase a bag yesterday and mentioned the weight gain on this food to the vet, she just said to cut back the amount more. One cup of food a day for a 36 pound dog, even a 30 pound dog, just does not seem like enough. The pH of the urine has so much to do with bladder stones,so it makes it hard to figure out what veggies or fruits he can have for treats. He loves all of them!
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