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Red bump or wart on side of cheek


New member
Jul 19, 2016
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Hi all!

Bernard has a weird bump on the side of his cheek and would like some advice on what you might think it is. I've attached some pics...

We have him booked into the vet but can't get in for another week. I'm in a small town with limited options.

Thanks everyone!
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@isgrif --- it is nothing to be concerned about... I ALWAYS forget the name of them, but the body will absorb it. Hyst...something or other :facepalm:

LISA :shout: help --- @bullmama
Keep us posted! I've never seen anything like that before

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Here's another pic. I feel his bump is more dry and defined.

I hope it's just a Histiocytoma.
I have had a dog with a histiocytoma on the inside of his ear. Although it was a small raised bump, it was more smooth in appearance. The cauliflower appearance of the bump on Bernard looks more like a wart to me. Your vet should know for sure what it is.
I was thinking that the cauliflower appearance was very wart like. Have you looked inside of his mouth? Jax had warts when he was a puppy and he had one really big one on the outside of his lip and then clusters of them on the inside of his mouth. While warts (if that is what it is) will go away on there own, they are highly contagious. I would definitely have it checked out by a vet...better to be safe than sorry.
Thanks! Nothing on the inside of his mouth...

The vet appointment is on Tuesday the 2nd so we'll know for sure. It's gone done since and is drying out but still want it checked. I'll keep you guys posted.
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