release command


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Jun 17, 2015
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How have you trained your frenchies to release items from their mouth?

Mo quite often steals stuff and he will not let them go. I have tried to train him with his toys, like play with him for a while and occasionally make him sit and ask him to release the toy. That in most occasions works quite well, but when it comes to items that he has stolen, it never works. He runs away with it and when I eventually catch him, he will close his mouth so tight and look at me the way that says "Just try me, I will never let this go".

This is a big concern cause sometimes he manages to take stuff that is definitely not safe. Like after last christmas when I was removing the christmas decorations, he managed to steal one of the glass ornaments in his mouth :eek:hmy:
I know it's some kind of a game for him, but just a very dangerous one.

He is also obsessed in peoples cloves. If he manages to get hold of them, he will just bolt and it's always a mayhem to get them back from him. It's also quite embarrassing when he does this to our house guests.

I have tried to bribe him with treats and food, but that only works with toys and his own stuff. I have few times even put a piece of sausage on top of his head when he has something bad in his mouth, but he just ignores. The stolen item over-powers all tricks and food.
Also time-out is out of the question if he has something dangerous in his mouth, since if I keep ignoring him, he just starts chewing his find.

Any advises how to make him release stuff from his mouth?
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What worked for us with Cheli is a VERY high valued treat.... boiled chicken or a piece of cheese are two of his favs with the command 'drop it' -- another that we use is the water bottle -- with the drop it command , spray right to the side of the face
I haven't had to use the water bottle, but I 100% agree with VERY high value treat. Radar loves the Orijen treats, I call them puppy crack, and would do whatever I ask for one. Although, don't let him start thinking that stealing things he's not supposed to will get him that special treat. It's a fine line and they are little stinkers sometimes.

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I agree with using a very high value treat. I also used to make a fuss about it so Wally would think that whatever I had was much more fun than what he had. It takes time with these stubborn little dogs but if you keep at it hopefully he'll figure out that leave it means leave it.
I would try and teach him "drop it" and "leave it". We are working on this command with Stella and she loves to play fetch so we are teaching her words as we play, "get it" "bring it" "drop it". I am all about positive reinforcement and don't believe in "punishment". My dogs are way too sensitive. Hopefully he will catch on to the meaning of the command with lots of practice and positive reinforcement. Work with him when he is not trying to be a stinker and steal something he shouldn't have. He needs to learn the meaning of the command, which I admit can take awhile. Good luck!