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Seizure like episodes


Nov 4, 2019
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He’s been having these episodes for a few years now, I have a video but I think it’s too long to upload on here. I’ve took him to the vets a few times about it the first time the vet said just leave it because it only happens once every month. Most recently he had an episode that lasted a lot longer than usual, in the end the vet recommended BOAS because he thought the episodes were due to a lack of oxygen. Since then he had one which lasted about a minute and then today he had one which lasted about ten minutes like how they did before the surgery. Does anybody have any idea what could be causing this?
He’s been having these episodes for a few years now, I have a video but I think it’s too long to upload on here. I’ve took him to the vets a few times about it the first time the vet said just leave it because it only happens once every month. Most recently he had an episode that lasted a lot longer than usual, in the end the vet recommended BOAS because he thought the episodes were due to a lack of oxygen. Since then he had one which lasted about a minute and then today he had one which lasted about ten minutes like how they did before the surgery. Does anybody have any idea what could be causing this?

Can you possibly post a short video? In case you aren’t aware... to post a video here here needs to be on YouTube first, they post the link

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Quite often they start with him throwing up, I’ve got an appointment at the vet again today
A neurologist might be a good idea if the vet doesn't give you an answer today.
Just got back from the vets, showed him the video and he pretty quickly said he thinks it’s epileptic fits. He gave me a months worth of medication for epilepsy and i have to take him back in 3 weeks for a blood test
Just got back from the vets, showed him the video and he pretty quickly said he thinks it’s epileptic fits. He gave me a months worth of medication for epilepsy and i have to take him back in 3 weeks for a blood test

So glad you had the video! Positive thoughts and prayers the meds work for him

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Thanks �� and ye the video was so helpful because they’re hard to explain
Thanks and ye the video was so helpful because they’re hard to explain

Jax was diagnosed a couple years with IVDD but every time we took him to the vet, he would act fine. So then I started to take video of when something was happening so they could actually see it!

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