Stella Has A New Most Hated Object!


Apr 23, 2013
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Stella has few things that she hates...strange dogs probably being top rated (she is a butthead!). We found a new hate of hers recently.

She and Tank were napping in the kitchen, their favorite place to sleep as it is cool and that's where the food is! Well, my daughters were in the living room playing on two exercise balls and all of a sudden I hear Stella go psycho barking. I yelled at her to quiet down, figured she heard what she thought was another dog or someone at the door (a close second for her "most hated" list is people knocking at the I said, total butthead). She started barking again after one of the exercise balls rolled towards the kitchen door and I figured out she was barking at the ball.

We figured it out...she absolutely hates exercise balls! :no:
LOL! I love when dogs hate objects. My moms Cairn terrier HATES busses. Barks like crazy and would like to go one on one with them. Once, he dug a hole under the fence & escaped the yard and we found him in the High School parking lot down the street confronting his arch enemies face to face.
Isnt most form of exercise hated by frenchies... It is by Dave :D

Lol at The Cairn :D
Bear's list of arch-enemies:

baby strollers/carriers
people with surfboards
plastic bags blowing in the wind
It's funny the different things that set them off.
Fitz hates exercise balls too! He will play with smaller balls ,12 in or less, but when we roll the exercise ball towards him... he exits stage left.
LOL Dogs can be so silly can't they? My Pekingese hates the neighbors dogs. She also hates things that are in places that they usually aren't. One day my husband had to stop cutting grass and run an errand. He left the riding lawn mower in the front yard because he was going to finish as soon as he got back. When I took her out, she ran toward it growling and barking and making a huge fuss. Was so funny. She's seen it 100 times riding around the yard or sitting in the garage, but for some reason when it was sitting in the yard, it blew her little mind.
Pierce is really pretty laid back, but the mop is one thing that gets him going. I still can't tell if he wants to play with it or he hates it and wants to attack it. I am beginning to think he hates it since he usually barks at it and runs toward it and then away from it. Even when he goes for it, he will still suddenly back up barking. I keep wanting to make a video of him, but I am usually laughing too hard, I will have to do it sometime when someone else is home.

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