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teaching the "COME" trick


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May 28, 2014
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Hi guys. I have a 9month old handsome boy named chowder. Chowder is a great dog. We will be taking him outdoors more often and camping etc, so i wanted to see what you guys did to make sure he comes and stays near you on command.

Chowder is the smartest dog when i have a treat in my hand, and when he feels like it.

How can i make him come on command and stay near me? and also not to be so distracted.

let me know your thoughts thank you!
You can work him on a long lead some to get him coming from farther away. What you want to do is get him coming with no distraction. Then, with a little distraction, then with a lot. Wait until he is reliable until progressing to more distraction. Once you are sure he knows what you are asking, you can expect him to do it. When you say "come" and he doesn't give a correction. When he does, praise, and treat. What I do when training is use treats with new commands then once I know they know what I mean and are doing it reliably, I give the treat less and less. You can practice everywhere. The more you practice, and different places with different distractions you practice in the more reliable he will be. To me the recall is THE most important thing a dog needs to obey. He is in the "teenager" phase so he may he hard headed at times. Just be consistent and patient with him.
I have a 10 month old who I am currently training with an experienced trainer at my home. We are learning basic commands and lasts weeks lesson was come. The homework was to randomly - 3-5 times a day, when the dog was not expecting it, to call "Tallulah come". Get down in a non threatening position and when she came, "make it a party" - lots of love, kisses hugs and a little treat. Make it a very positive experience so that she wants to come when I call her. This week we added a whistle to the training. Same concept, but I blow the whistle first. I have to say, it is going very well. Especially with the whistle. She hears it and she comes running! The trainer told me the whistle is very effective to use when outdoors and need the dog to come to you immediately. I can see that it works. the main point in the training is to always make the experience positive when you call the dogs name and they come to you. Like I said, so far, so good. She loves when I call her to me :-)
We've been working on this with Bisou, and she's so hit or miss. It's obvious when she's just ignoring me because I see her ears turned toward me, but she's not listening. Typical bulldog! :rolleyes: She's actually been great with naturally just coming to me when she's in a situation where she's unsure. My family has property out in the desert and we love to take the girls out there, unleashed most of the time. Bisou stays near her big sister or myself, and if she ever wanders off I just call her name and she comes running. I give her love and play with her when she comes to me, so she's learned that only good things come when she listens to me.
Jax is a jerk when it pertains to the "come" command. He will sometimes come if he knows (or thinks) there is a treat in hand but he would rather run away and play chase then to come when called. It is very frustrating. Last year I had a personal trainer come out to our house to work with us and she even said "don't let him off a leash." :ashamed:
Ive had Maple off leash when she was a puppy but she was never consistent with her recall. Therefore I only had her off leash in areas where she couldnt run away/disappear. However for the last few months I have had her off leash at the beach and she was always good. Until that one time a few weeks ago. Everything was fine until she seen a dog in the far distance (and I mean FAR distance). She seen him,perked up and took off. Did not care about me calling for her,even saying that I have treats (that was usually my 'emergency' term). I was so pissed because I had to walk all the way down to get her and it was really embarrassing. Thats when I told myself that we need to work on it. And what can I say? With daily training for the last couple weeks Maple has improved SO much. I now dont even put her on the leash anymore when we go to my car or back to the house. I can even jog with her on trails and she stays right heel unless I say 'Go!Go!Go!' In which case she is allowed to run ahead (only a bit) until I call her back. I AM SO PROUD! :) All I am working with is positive reinforcement and also a believe in her and our trust and bond :)
Jax is a jerk when it pertains to the "come" command. He will sometimes come if he knows (or thinks) there is a treat in hand but he would rather run away and play chase then to come when called. It is very frustrating. Last year I had a personal trainer come out to our house to work with us and she even said "don't let him off a leash." :ashamed:

This is Hudson too. As soon as he sees another dog or person he is OFF and then it's a game.

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Wally is fantastic with recall in the house and we're improving on his recall outside where there is a ton of distractions. With my husband he'll stop on a dime and come back if he runs off when he sees a person or dog. With me he may or may not come back but he is improving. I find that I have to be loud with Wally or else he'll pretend he's deaf. He's fine getting in and out of the car but not so fine if our neighbours are outside, especially when they have their dogs with them. Wally tends to annoy other dogs easily so I like to be close by when he greets dogs.