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The moments you are just grateful for

Very True. Here was my female she was more lay on her own and she was huge. 28lbs. Unfortunately, she had many health problems, and we lost her over a year ago. Puppy first pic and grown in the next three. She was very dominant over other dogs. Not aggressive but if an aggressive dog ALPHA was present she would antagonistic
Very cute!!

What health issues did she have? How old was she?
She had severe allergies, severity was unreal. She was on steroids and allergy pills and also had to have omega and fish oils daily and every single food was causing issues, spent thousands trying to help her with meds, and even got a biologist involved, her liver failed and she was projectile vomiting and diarrhea. She lived at the vet's most of the time.
She had severe allergies, severity was unreal. She was on steroids and allergy pills and also had to have omega and fish oils daily and every single food was causing issues, spent thousands trying to help her with meds, and even got a biologist involved, her liver failed and she was projectile vomiting and diarrhea. She lived at the vet's most of the time.
That’s so sad! Allergies suck to deal with, but they can be prevented thru variety of proteins rotate.

How old was she?
That’s so sad! Allergies suck to deal with, but they can be prevented thru variety of proteins rotate.

How old was she?
she was 4 when she had to be put down. The vet said he liver was in failure and she was suffering and also her stool was filled with blood. She would no longer hold food in and her spine was becoming exposed and arched. It was awful. I cry even talking about her suffering. I tried everything. Reaching out to anyone and everyone. I was desperate and willing. I got a biologist involved, but it was too late at that point she was in liver failure. This time around I am more knowledgeable and prepared. I swear she was allergic to the air she was breathing. I did everything. I tried everything I was told to at any cost. She was my baby, but I couldn't save her. This time like I said, will be different. I did research on my breeder and I didn't care about cost. So far Mr. Lincoln is healthy and happy....
she was 4 when she had to be put down. The vet said he liver was in failure and she was suffering and also her stool was filled with blood. She would no longer hold food in and her spine was becoming exposed and arched. It was awful. I cry even talking about her suffering. I tried everything. Reaching out to anyone and everyone. I was desperate and willing. I got a biologist involved, but it was too late at that point she was in liver failure. This time around I am more knowledgeable and prepared. I swear she was allergic to the air she was breathing. I did everything. I tried everything I was told to at any cost. She was my baby, but I couldn't save her. This time like I said, will be different. I did research on my breeder and I didn't care about cost. So far Mr. Lincoln is healthy and happy....

I’m so sorry for her loss!

That’s so sad and horrible.

Rusty has lots of health issues too, but thankfully the diet change really helped him and his allergies, he is 1000% better than what he was 3 years ago.

I have supplements I give him to maintain his idiopathic epilepsy(CBD oil) and he gets laser therapy once a month(actually he is getting it done today).

I rotate the proteins in his diet, I rotate thru 5 different proteins in a week to prevent new food allergies cause they can become allergic to what they eat everyday. He is WAY better than what he was, allergies are manageable, and the diet and rotating proteins is literally the best thing you can do to prevent and treat allergies!

With my other 2 dogs, both of them have kidney disease and we’re only given 6 months to live, well they were diagnosed 2 YEARS ago! The diet and supplement has made them way better and kidney levels are in normal range of bloodwork.

But the older golden retriever, she is 8.5 years and she was diagnosed with Bladder Cancer 1 month ago, she was given 1-6 months only to live, we are still devastated, but the tumour is the size of her bladder and it’s going to block her ability to pee and be in pain(no one knows when that will be, but that’s when we have to make the decision), so we keep her comfortable until then.
But she was put on Apoquel for her allergies for 5 year and then she got tumours from it, and she hasn’t had the apoquel for almost 2 years, turns out she was allergic to the garbage food but they put her on Apoquel anyway, then cytopoint after we stopped giving Apoquel cause of the risks, the cytopoint is a injection version of Apoquel, still suppresses the immune system for life(which is why she has bladder cancer, cause damage was already done from the Apoquel, but she has been off it for 2 years, we have her on bovine colostrum instead and it works way better than anything from vet), she doesn’t wear the cone anymore like she did on Apoquel. But those meds(apoquel and cytopoint) are a horrible thing, they for sure suppress the immune system so they have no immune system, they can’t fight viruses or cancer, horrible.

I knew what it did to the golden retriever, so Rusty’s allergies were bad at 5 months of age, i said NO Apoquel or cytopoint, we went to the dermatologist instead to TREAT his allergies and do immunotherapy instead, and switch his diet, and rotate proteins and not put these harmful things into him, i started bovine colostrum 2 years ago and what a difference it made for his allergies, they were severe!

Every breed of dog is prone to certain health issues, I would still get another frenchie, I would just start them on a better diet from day 1 of having the puppy, and rotate the proteins to prevent food allergies.

Dogs don’t live long enough in my opinion!
I’m so sorry for her loss!

That’s so sad and horrible.

Rusty has lots of health issues too, but thankfully the diet change really helped him and his allergies, he is 1000% better than what he was 3 years ago.

I have supplements I give him to maintain his idiopathic epilepsy(CBD oil) and he gets laser therapy once a month(actually he is getting it done today).

I rotate the proteins in his diet, I rotate thru 5 different proteins in a week to prevent new food allergies cause they can become allergic to what they eat everyday. He is WAY better than what he was, allergies are manageable, and the diet and rotating proteins is literally the best thing you can do to prevent and treat allergies!

With my other 2 dogs, both of them have kidney disease and we’re only given 6 months to live, well they were diagnosed 2 YEARS ago! The diet and supplement has made them way better and kidney levels are in normal range of bloodwork.

But the older golden retriever, she is 8.5 years and she was diagnosed with Bladder Cancer 1 month ago, she was given 1-6 months only to live, we are still devastated, but the tumour is the size of her bladder and it’s going to block her ability to pee and be in pain(no one knows when that will be, but that’s when we have to make the decision), so we keep her comfortable until then.
But she was put on Apoquel for her allergies for 5 year and then she got tumours from it, and she hasn’t had the apoquel for almost 2 years, turns out she was allergic to the garbage food but they put her on Apoquel anyway, then cytopoint after we stopped giving Apoquel cause of the risks, the cytopoint is a injection version of Apoquel, still suppresses the immune system for life(which is why she has bladder cancer, cause damage was already done from the Apoquel, but she has been off it for 2 years, we have her on bovine colostrum instead and it works way better than anything from vet), she doesn’t wear the cone anymore like she did on Apoquel. But those meds(apoquel and cytopoint) are a horrible thing, they for sure suppress the immune system so they have no immune system, they can’t fight viruses or cancer, horrible.

I knew what it did to the golden retriever, so Rusty’s allergies were bad at 5 months of age, i said NO Apoquel or cytopoint, we went to the dermatologist instead to TREAT his allergies and do immunotherapy instead, and switch his diet, and rotate proteins and not put these harmful things into him, i started bovine colostrum 2 years ago and what a difference it made for his allergies, they were severe!

Every breed of dog is prone to certain health issues, I would still get another frenchie, I would just start them on a better diet from day 1 of having the puppy, and rotate the proteins to prevent food allergies.

Dogs don’t live long enough in my opinion!
I am sorry about your baby. I love goldens used to breed goldens back in the 90s. They are the best dog on the planet. I wish all your babies health... I can tell they have happiness already. I am all about the Frenchies hence why I did get another against my other half's opinions. LOL Link I a stubborn little blessing. LOL Puppies suck and he is in the terrible 2 age range right now. I look to the future often. LOL I wouldn't trade him but I am getting told old for puppies, so I pray this time he had a Lengthy life! I feel we are souled together. i just knew from the beginning he was meant to be my little guy. So I am blessed on round two
I am sorry about your baby. I love goldens used to breed goldens back in the 90s. They are the best dog on the planet. I wish all your babies health... I can tell they have happiness already. I am all about the Frenchies hence why I did get another against my other half's opinions. LOL Link I a stubborn little blessing. LOL Puppies suck and he is in the terrible 2 age range right now. I look to the future often. LOL I wouldn't trade him but I am getting told old for puppies, so I pray this time he had a Lengthy life! I feel we are souled together. i just knew from the beginning he was meant to be my little guy. So I am blessed on round two
Do you know how many times I’ve said no more puppies lol…3 times to be exact haha. And here we are with 4 dogs but I love them all so very much and can’t imagine life without them.
I am sorry about your baby. I love goldens used to breed goldens back in the 90s. They are the best dog on the planet. I wish all your babies health... I can tell they have happiness already. I am all about the Frenchies hence why I did get another against my other half's opinions. LOL Link I a stubborn little blessing. LOL Puppies suck and he is in the terrible 2 age range right now. I look to the future often. LOL I wouldn't trade him but I am getting told old for puppies, so I pray this time he had a Lengthy life! I feel we are souled together. i just knew from the beginning he was meant to be my little guy. So I am blessed on round two

Thank you!
My parents love Golden retrievers(I do too) but Frenchies are my absolutely favourite, I know health issues are common but every dog has their own health issues(even golden retrievers, they are prone to cancer and allergies and ear issues), but even good breeders, we still have to rotate proteins in the dogs diet to prevent food allergies and feed them healthy. That rotating proteins is very beneficial to prevent food allergies!

We are doing everything possible to keep them healthy and we always will.

Rusty is my own dog, I pay the bills, he is my responsibility to train and feed and make decisions for.

but the golden retrievers are family dogs, my parents make the decisions for them. They say they will never get another dog once these goldens aren’t here, well they keep saying that, I know they will, I think they will likely get another dog when there is only 1 golden retriever left and Rusty, I think they will still get another dog(I want another frenchie, mom wants another Golden retriever).

I can’t see them without a dog, I also couldn’t be without a dog either.

Rusty is my baby, the goldens are my parents babies too, they aren’t ‘ just pets’ they are family and like our babies kind of.

I couldn’t be without Rusty, so I will continue to do everything I can for him😊
Thank you!
My parents love Golden retrievers(I do too) but Frenchies are my absolutely favourite, I know health issues are common but every dog has their own health issues(even golden retrievers, they are prone to cancer and allergies and ear issues), but even good breeders, we still have to rotate proteins in the dogs diet to prevent food allergies and feed them healthy. That rotating proteins is very beneficial to prevent food allergies!

We are doing everything possible to keep them healthy and we always will.

Rusty is my own dog, I pay the bills, he is my responsibility to train and feed and make decisions for.

but the golden retrievers are family dogs, my parents make the decisions for them. They say they will never get another dog once these goldens aren’t here, well they keep saying that, I know they will, I think they will likely get another dog when there is only 1 golden retriever left and Rusty, I think they will still get another dog(I want another frenchie, mom wants another Golden retriever).

I can’t see them without a dog, I also couldn’t be without a dog either.

Rusty is my baby, the goldens are my parents babies too, they aren’t ‘ just pets’ they are family and like our babies kind of.

I couldn’t be without Rusty, so I will continue to do everything I can for him😊
Rusty is adorable. How old is Rusty?
The bottom photo is Rusty cuddling In the blanket on the couch with me, and he is curled up with one of the golden retrievers(she is the one that does NOT have the bladder cancer, the only health issue she has is kidney disease which both golden retrievers have) this retriever just turned 7 year last week.
Rusty and her love cuddling together 😊


Link and Rusty have a similar face structure. Rusty is a good looking boy. I hope link has that sweet mature face.
Thank you! Link is adorable too.
Link looks like he enjoys the sweaters like Rusty does, Rusty loves sweaters and pajamas!
Rusty is only 22 pounds, they do look similar.
The bottom photo is Rusty cuddling In the blanket on the couch with me, and he is curled up with one of the golden retrievers(she is the one that does NOT have the bladder cancer, the only health issue she has is kidney disease which both golden retrievers have) this retriever just turned 7 year last week.
Rusty and her love cuddling together 😊
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oooohhhh smooosshhhh face. Link is going to look like him in some ways. I can see it in the face. Beautiful. Give him a squeeze from his friends over here. hehe
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