Thoughts on Grandma Lucy's Pure Formance


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Dec 5, 2015
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Hi I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with feeding your frenchie Grandma lucys pure Formance and what you thought. Did your dog like it? I'm feeding my girl Acana regionals right now and want to possibly change her diet to this any advice or opinion would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I have never heard of this brand! But I just checked out their website and it looks AWESOME! Once you choose what protein you want to use if you scroll down it shows you a chart on how much to feed! Very awesome website and lots of different protein options.
I fed this to Stella and it did not agree with her. It really had a strong garlic odor. I know garlic can be a controversial ingredient in dog food, but I just thought it was too strong and was most likely what made her sick. I now feed Sojos and add my own protein and both dogs are doing great on it and love it.