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Tick/Flea Repellent


New member
Mar 10, 2015
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Hey everyone,

I live in Colorado and take my dogs to dog parks amongst short walks in some wild trails. I was wondering what brand of tick and flea repellent you use. I have used Frontline on my Presa Canario before but wanted to hear from fellow Frenchie owners what they use- since we know our Frenchies are a bit more sensitive to things.

I dont put chemicals on my pets. With all the harm they (can) do ,the risks outweigh the benefits by a lot.
There are more natural ways to prevent ticks and fleas. Amber collars,DE, coconut oil and Dr Mercolas Flea & Tick Defence.
I didnt put anything on my guys last year and did not see a single tick or flea. (I also live in Canada,where we dont have a huge problem with infestations anyway). For this year I ordered an amber collar ,but more so because I love the look of it and I ordered myself a matching amber bracelet :P
We don't use flea or tick meds. The Sentinel heartworm meds we give kills fleas also, and we don't take our for walks in the woods, so we don't have to worry about ticks.
I don't put any chemicals on my dogs either and I have never had any issues with fleas or ticks.

I was reading reviews on Lisa's suggestions and they all sound like great, natural ways to prevent fleas & ticks. I'm going to try coconut oil during flea season or when we go camping.
We have used without issue for years... Vectra-3D.... I am not found of the chemicals either, but we have woods behind our home and deer/other wildlife through the yard/area.... necessary evil. I have already pulled 3 ticks off the pups in the last two weeks
No chemicals on my two either. If it is a problem where you live, I would definitely look into a more natural approach to controlling them.
We have used without issue for years... Vectra-3D.... I am not found of the chemicals either, but we have woods behind our home and deer/other wildlife through the yard/area.... necessary evil. I have already pulled 3 ticks off the pups in the last two weeks

I agree. i live in maryland and we have it all, ticks, fleas, etc. I can find ticks on all my animals pretty often and there are not woods immediately behind my house. They just like the grass we have. I have been using Vectra as well with good luck. Ive even thought about getting chickens to eat all the ticks we have but i dont think my neigbohr would appriciate it if they wandered over to his yard by accident :facepalm: consider yourself very lucky if you do not have fleas or ticks!