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Two Embarrassing Questions...Help me feel less insecure!


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Apr 25, 2016
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Hello friends!

I have a question that is going to make me sound kind of insecure and I'm going to get a little psychological lol... but hey, I'm going to ask it anyway!

Rico is just shy of 6 months old, him and I have become great buddies. I never thought I could be so in love with a dog.

Every day I see his personality develop more and more.

I watch him interact with other people, be it, people he sees on a regular basis, or complete strangers. He is a total crowd pleaser and absolute attention demander, very playful, charismatic and has an even temperament. He goes crazy for instance, when he sees my dad, who he is obsessed with!

Now here's the kicker... I almost feel like he doesn't like me as much as he likes other people (I'm embarrassed to even say that... lol. Like that high school crush you had, and they wanted no part of you...hahaha).

Rico is my first French Bulldog, but also my first dog ever. I thought dogs were "mans best friend" and you hear those stories of dogs refusing to leave their deceased owners body... if I were dead, I guarantee he would run to whomever looked like they could offer a promising belly rub ... sometimes he doesn't even look like excited to see me when I've returned from a day away from him!

If I'm in a room with 4 people let's say, I am the last one he will go to, he will occasionally mosey on back to me sit by my feet and then go off again to anyone who looks like they'll give him some attention.

Now I know what you're thinking, "he's still a puppy" and that I know is true.... so that leads me to part A of my question—when do their personalities fully develop to the point where you're pretty much sure this is going to be what you're dealing with both mentally and physically?

Part B of my question is—am I crazy for feeling a little insecure about his love for me, and will he come around eventually...lol? Is there anything I can do to "make him as obsessed with me as I am with him?

I kinda chalk it up to the "good cop bad cop" analogy, in that I am not only his caretaker but also the rule enforcer and while I love him endlessly, I am also the one who sets boundaries and limitations for his life hahaha.

Please give me some advice!

"My Frenchie toys with my emotions"
I actually know what you are feeling. I was feeling the same way about Radar, especially since it's just he and I and I am both the rule enforcer and playmate. In my case Radar is just so chill he kind of glares at me when I get home as if to say "what took you so long", so the massive excitement to see me has never been there. However, if my aunt and uncle keep him for the day they report that Radar is always looking for me and when I finally am there to pick him up he doesn't let me out of his sight. Rico is probably the same way, he is so secure in your love for him and his love for you that he can venture out and get pets from complete strangers. I am sure that if (god forbid) anything happened to you that Rico would be devastated that his one and only was gone. Take it as a compliment that you are raising a very happy, confident Frenchie that can be so social.

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😂😂😂😂 i feel exactly the same hahaha. Im the one that feeds her, walks her, plays with her, looks after her, yet when she see's my sister or any of my family at my parents house she is in LOVE with them!! She's only 4 months old so im intrigued what the answers will be from everyone. I feel your pain from one dramatic unloved frenchie owner to another 😂 x

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I'd hardly say I'm "unloved" but I totally get it!!

OMG! I wrote your exact same post on another Frenchie forum two weeks ago! Frenchies are very intriguing! Nellie does the same thing to me! It is an embarrassment when I walk her outside she runs to ppl like they are her long lost cousins. But for me it's just lukewarm. But i went away to the cottage without her for 4 days and left her with my mom and when I came back she could hardly contain herself! She licked me silly and did not leave my side for hours. I think we become boring to them after a while but they do like and love us!

My mom has been visiting for two months and has been the main person looking after Nellie while am at work and two weeks ago I came home and she wanted to have nothing to do with me. She followed my mom everywhere abs even cried for her when she left the room. I was devastated! But after a few days of hanging out with her more, she came back around. I bet you if you left Rico with someone else for a day and came back he will be thrilled to see you 😉
First off, don't feel silly asking any question here. This is what we are here for. Frenchies are very social dogs, and love every one, especially pups. Once he gets around two to three years of age, this is when his personality will be what it is and after around three to four years of age he will start to slow down and want to snuggle, if he is going to be a snuggler. Most of them are, but some are not. Hilary is 5 years old, and she will love on you for a few minutes and then she is content on being on the other side of the couch. All our other Fenchies want to be in your lap. So don't let it get to you, he will always love you.
Wally used to be like that when he was a puppy. He loves people and needs to say hi to everyone in the room but if I get up to go to another room he runs right over to follow me. Him and his Boston sister are like my little ducks. I kinda miss when he was more independent to be honest. lol!
Milo never meets a stranger!!! I'm happy to know I'm not the only one that feels like he loves everyone but me! Lol He rolls over at people's feet for them to rub his belly! He acts like he never gets any love from us. But I have to say it does make me feel good to see people get so excited, they love him! And he loves them! Lol
Have you ever ran into someone with their dog and you think oh no that dog is a freak!!! If you own a Frenchie people don't think that! Hahaha
They say oh there's so and so with their cool dog!
Rico loves you! You're his whole world!

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Hello friends!

I have a question that is going to make me sound kind of insecure and I'm going to get a little psychological lol... but hey, I'm going to ask it anyway!

Rico is just shy of 6 months old, him and I have become great buddies. I never thought I could be so in love with a dog.

Every day I see his personality develop more and more.

I watch him interact with other people, be it, people he sees on a regular basis, or complete strangers. He is a total crowd pleaser and absolute attention demander, very playful, charismatic and has an even temperament. He goes crazy for instance, when he sees my dad, who he is obsessed with!

Now here's the kicker... I almost feel like he doesn't like me as much as he likes other people (I'm embarrassed to even say that... lol. Like that high school crush you had, and they wanted no part of you...hahaha).

Rico is my first French Bulldog, but also my first dog ever. I thought dogs were "mans best friend" and you hear those stories of dogs refusing to leave their deceased owners body... if I were dead, I guarantee he would run to whomever looked like they could offer a promising belly rub ... sometimes he doesn't even look like excited to see me when I've returned from a day away from him!

If I'm in a room with 4 people let's say, I am the last one he will go to, he will occasionally mosey on back to me sit by my feet and then go off again to anyone who looks like they'll give him some attention.

Now I know what you're thinking, "he's still a puppy" and that I know is true.... so that leads me to part A of my question—when do their personalities fully develop to the point where you're pretty much sure this is going to be what you're dealing with both mentally and physically?

Part B of my question is—am I crazy for feeling a little insecure about his love for me, and will he come around eventually...lol? Is there anything I can do to "make him as obsessed with me as I am with him?

I kinda chalk it up to the "good cop bad cop" analogy, in that I am not only his caretaker but also the rule enforcer and while I love him endlessly, I am also the one who sets boundaries and limitations for his life hahaha.

Please give me some advice!

"My Frenchie toys with my emotions"

When I was researching this breed, and before I got my two babies...... I read in more than one place Frenchies are not the most loyal of breeds and can be fickle. However, this didn't bother me so much that it changed my mind about getting. I grew up with Boxers and know what a wonderful breed that is. However, I've always wanted a Frenchie (or two). When I finally brought my babies home (Leo in October 2012 and Molly in February 2013), they were full grown adult dogs at that time, so I didn't have the puppy personalities or issues to contend with, however, it did take them some time to come around and feel comfortable, as it would with any dog. I will say this, their little personalities came out little by little the more comfortable they became with this being their forever home! I still think Molly is still growing into her funny little personality... and you can see how long I've had mine! :)

With yours still being a puppy, he is going to be even more juvinile than an adult dog, but he will mature and you will start to see how much he depends on you to care for him and he will show his love in return! My boy was a cuddle muffin from the beginning and just loves mommy & daddy. :) Molly, however was not much of a cuddler or kisser (like Leo), however, now she insists on being in my lap for her morning nappies...... I just love it!!! :)

Don't fret it..... you are his daddy and he will grow and mature and become your little man... :)

It's just a Frenchie personality! They LOVE people and are just friendly by nature!! That's a good thing!! :)
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He is just a pup for one. Another thing is that they love people. Anyone new is exciting. Twiggy loves it when people come over. Once they are here for a while she begins to stick with me more.

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