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Unwanted behavior


New member
Mar 26, 2015
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Hey guys!

I'm starting to think that my puppy is developing aggressive and dominant behavior.
When I handle her she keeps nipping and it seems like the only thing she cares about is biting me!

She won't let me put on leash and once it's on finally she growls and even bite me hard once I try to make her stop biting it.

She's really going mad at times and not in a playful way.

Any of you had this sort of thing when yours were puppies? Any tips? It's really really frustrating because I can't get on with obedience and don't really enjoy her company sometimes.

I'm not hurting her in any way and working with clicker and treats.

Oh she's 3 months old.
Sounds like she is just being a rowdy puppy. Give her a firm no when she bites your hands then give her something that is acceptable for her to chew on. If she won't calm down, I would put her in a time out for a short bit. Puppies can be a handful but be consistent and firm. She will learn.
Looks like typical puppy behavior combined with typical stubborn bulldog attitude! My Bisou nipped at our faces a lot when she was a puppy, but firm training snapped her out of it. We would either thump her nose and firmly say NO BITE or cover/shut her mouth with our hand and say the same correction. We would also put her on 'time out' in the gated kitchen when she wouldn't listen to correction and would then bite our hands as if it were some kind of game. If you are kennel training her, make sure you do not put her in her kennel while on her 'time out' because you want her to associate the kennel with her den, not with jail.

As for leash training, I'd check if her collar/harness is too tight or has any sharp catches anywhere as well. If she is biting you while putting it on her, it may be uncomfortable for her and she's trying to tell you she doesn't like it. If it fits well, I'd put her leash on even when you aren't going anywhere and leave it on for a while. She'll eventually learn the leash isn't a bad thing.

All I can really say is if you dedicate yourself to training her now, it'll all be worth it! Our first couple months with Bisou was very tiring and there were a lot of frustrated tears on my part! She was my first puppy and now that she's all grown up, I sort of miss those days! Hang in there, it'll get better :)
As others have said just be stern and consistent. Tell her NO!!! when she growls or bites. She should learn after awhile.