Wanted advice on eating poop and feeding issues


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Apr 21, 2019
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Okay there are a couple of other things shes been eating her poop if given the chance. I try to make sure I am close til she goes so I can pick it up right away. I praise her for walking away and coming to where I am and then go pick it up. But sometimes I can't be right there and she'll eat it.
I have been putting pumpkin in her food cause her poos been questionable. It hasn't stopped the stool eating but has help firm poop. I think. But also think less food might of also helped.
I read while I was lurking around that this is a common thing soft to loose stools.
Her poop was super bad a couple days after I got her so I took her to a vet on Sat. The only one I could find open. She tested negative for everything but he still wanted to treat her for coccidia . I didn't really want to but he scared me into it. So he gave her an antibiotic shot and meds which I gave for 2 and a half days until I contacted another vet who said to stop giving her the meds cause it was a live stock medicine. So I took her into her the end of that week and she tested negative again. So she said if issues came back I could get real meds. She gets rechecked again I believe this week or next. Need yo check date.
Her poops been all over the place since then but I did notice when I fed her til she stopped eating she would poop and poop with each time getting looser and yuckier. Like 6 to 8 times in one night. Even with pumpkin. But if I cut it back to the amount that was recommended by manufacturer for her weight poop got better and much less but she was still hungry.
So I am still trying to figure this one out. But I am feeding her an all life stages so considering switching to Fromm puppy which I saw that lots of you like.
I do plan on home cooking for her and using Balance It which my vet okayed but I'd also like a kibble for back up and traveling.
I'd like to try pineapple or pineapple juice for the poop eating but will that effect her poop in a negative way as far as soft or firm?
Also how much pineapple should I give her? Or how much juice? Is canned okay? Canned juice?
And how do I go about feeding her more food til poop softens and or less til it firms ?
I also read that but wasn't quite sure about it.
I also have to add that I haven't been feeding her the kibble whole cause she gobbles it up and swallows it whole so that worried me. Vet said her teeth were not all the way through yet so that could also effect the way she eats. So I grind her kiible up in a small food processor til its pretty fine to small pieces. Then when I feed it I moisten with warm water. I have started using less water just enough to moisten it now. Also started putting less pumpkin to see how that goes. Poops looked better today since this mornings.
So I'll see if its still icky first thing in morning or not tomorrow. Cause first thing in the morning poops have been wierd. They start out looking good then get looser by the end. And she usually goes 2 or 3 times with less each time but ickier each time too. Took pics for vet so she can see what I am seeing.
Anyway if anyone has suggestions and or can help me get her on track please let me know .
Also other groups recommended probiotics whats y'alls thoughts on that.
Thank you. Sorry its so long.
Yes... probiotics will help.

What food are you feeding now and how much at each meal?

Try to to add and/or change too much at once .. makes it hard to know what helped or didn’t.

Most Frenchies will eat till they throw up, so always hungry may not be real indication of an issue

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Thanks thats good to know cause I thought I wasn't feeding her enough but then when I gave her a little more felt it was to much esp when her poos went soft and she was pooping so many times. And she honestly looked like she ate to much. Right now she is on Instinct Be Natural but it is an All life stages . It was all I could find when I brought her home that looked any good at all. Found a pet store close that has Fromm Puppy Gold I think it was so going to get that tomorrow since I saw it mentioned so much on here. Think theres just enough of old to transition her slowly enough to not cause any more issues. And I think it will probably be more approperiate for her. Plan to start feeding her a home cooked diet using Balance it supplement in the furture once I can get recipes worked up and order proper supplements. But really think Fromm is what I need to get her on for now. Thank you for the helpful info
I'll start looking for a good probiotic for her too that way we can have it when we're ready to start using it.
As Christine said, probiotics could be added. They make dog specific powders and such but I normally rotate between fermented sauerkraut (the one from the fridge section), raw goat's milk and fermented fish stock. I also feed raw.

Frenchies will eat and eat and eat. Too much food can definitely cause loose stools.
Thanks thats good to know cause I thought I wasn't feeding her enough but then when I gave her a little more felt it was to much esp when her poos went soft and she was pooping so many times. And she honestly looked like she ate to much. Right now she is on Instinct Be Natural but it is an All life stages . It was all I could find when I brought her home that looked any good at all. Found a pet store close that has Fromm Puppy Gold I think it was so going to get that tomorrow since I saw it mentioned so much on here. Think theres just enough of old to transition her slowly enough to not cause any more issues. And I think it will probably be more approperiate for her. Plan to start feeding her a home cooked diet using Balance it supplement in the furture once I can get recipes worked up and order proper supplements. But really think Fromm is what I need to get her on for now. Thank you for the helpful info
I'll start looking for a good probiotic for her too that way we can have it when we're ready to start using it.

Probiotic... refrigerated sauerkraut, raw goats milk, milk keifer are a few options

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