Looking for advice we have a three year old French bulldog, he is fully house trained but over the last couple of months he has taken to weeing around the house.
Nothing has changed in his behaviour Or surroundings. I have tried catching him doing it and giving a good telling off but to no avail. If we don’t catch him in the act but point it out he clearly knows he’s wrong as he will skulk away under the table .
This is getting out of hand, we have been told to castrate him although vet says he could end up worse, some say chemical castration would be better then at least if it is not successful he has not been permanently done .
Has anybody experienced this problem and is there a way of stopping it. He is not short of walks and when he wants to be out he lets us know.
Getting to wits end.
Regards Mark
Looking for advice we have a three year old French bulldog, he is fully house trained but over the last couple of months he has taken to weeing around the house.
Nothing has changed in his behaviour Or surroundings. I have tried catching him doing it and giving a good telling off but to no avail. If we don’t catch him in the act but point it out he clearly knows he’s wrong as he will skulk away under the table .
This is getting out of hand, we have been told to castrate him although vet says he could end up worse, some say chemical castration would be better then at least if it is not successful he has not been permanently done .
Has anybody experienced this problem and is there a way of stopping it. He is not short of walks and when he wants to be out he lets us know.
Getting to wits end.
Regards Mark